![]() Pacific County, Washington, Dec 2007 |
Survival 101 Disaster, Flooding, Power Outages, Fire, or Civil / Economic Uprising Etc. |
![]() Adna, Lewis County Washington, Dec 2007 |
The word "Survival" can cover many things under different circumstances and to different people. I guess in the simplest terms, if you happen to encounter a real bad situation and be able to tell about it later could be could be up for considering. This does not have to be miles from nowhere on a hunting/fishing trip, but could also be around home if Mother Nature happened to have PMS and dole out LOTS of rain, WIND, volcano eruption, earthquake, wild fire, tornado or a hurricane, etc. that could effect you or your family's well being. This could also be extended to major rioting, economic upheaval in a gigantic form, or anything that puts you or your family in a dire situation. It could even be where you have been unemployed for long enough that you have become homeless.
I however will not cover here - fires, either house or wildfires, medical emergencies, or acts of war etc.
Be Prepared ; The number one thing that you can do to survive in ANY circumstance is BE PREPARED. There is out there online now about being a Prepper and having a BOB (Bug Out Bag), you can learn a lot from these articles//forums, but for the average person, it's probably a bit much (Depending on where you Live). There is another GHB (Get Home Bag) which should be smaller, but more readily available at all times that you are away.
It is easy to do this yourself, pick out a couple of worst case scenarios and plan for them. Now in achieving this goal it may put you in a very uncomfortable environment during the interim, but may at least help keep you away from a unexpected appointment with the grim reaper. Perhaps the one important thing you will have to deal with is to be able to "Balance Between Logic and Emotions", which will be necessary for your survival. Here you will have to be able to evaluate the situation and how to deal with it.
The one most common situation would be a power outage. This would probably be no big issue if it was during the summer, but winter is usually when you will get wind/ice/snow storms. Most of the times these outings will happen during the winter AND at night. You may consider being sure that your preliminary needs are in one easily located location. However you probably will already have a few flashlights (and with fresh batteries) in strategic locations around the house (bedroom) /shop. Have some candles or a electric lantern as your first stationary light source, followed by a propane lantern. On this propane lantern, install a striker or at least have matches nearby. Also be sure that you have spare lantern mantles.
If you are on a well for your water supply, DO NOT flush the toilet (as it uses valuable water), but collect at least a few gallons of cooking water from your faucet before the system's pressure holding tank looses it's pressure. Now this should get you by until you provide a heat source if needed.
Once your preliminary needs are taken care of, do you have a means of heating your home if the temperature drops to being cold for any length of time? Again lights can be anything from candles to propane lanterns or to having a portable generator. Does your incoming PUD power have a main disconnect so this generator can tie into behind your power meter/shit off so it can be isolated with no backfeed into the PUD line. Is this generator large enough to run your house and keep your refrigerator and freezer functioning? And if you live in the country with your own well, is it wired compatible with your well pump wiring? Do you have a SAFE source to cook meals on, ideally like a portable propane stove or Bar-B-Que?
To test yourself, pick one day during the summer and try to get through 24 hours with no power. Make a list before hand and revise it afterwards. I will guarantee you will find things you wish you had acquired beforehand. Then when you think you are really prepared, do another test but for a whole week. This may sound silly, but it may save your life, and at the least it will make you and your family more ready and less fearful of the unknown. OR take the wife/kids on a tent camping trip for a week-end in a National Park. Either of these will at least get you thinking.
There are a couple of web based survival companies who sell their prepared lists, supplies and food in kits. Some are expensive while others may be more reasonable. However the ones I have looked at, you need to pay even to get their list of essentials. I believe the average American has enough intelligence to come up with a list on their own, IF they really thought about it. At the very least, do some brainstorming with a few friends or neighbors to come up with your own list. Remember, each of you may have some special requirements.
Get the Kids Involved
For those of
you with children, you will need to consider their needs and education also.
Begin by teaching them very basic information. At an early age have them memorize their
full name and phone number. Teach them their address, too. Add to
this their grandparents name and location. In all but the direst
situations, your home will likely remain your base of operations. Teaching
your children where your home is, how to get there, and how to tell others to get
there can help keep them oriented in a crisis.
On the flip side of that,
you also want to teach them about who they can trust and who they can’t.
You don’t want them telling just anyone they meet where they live.
Do not "protect" them
by withholding your prepping ideas, they need to a be involved in those also.
A tent campout in the back yard would be a good start. Then move to a
week-end camping trip where they can get involved in building a fire and cooking
a meal over the coals in a firepit. This could be fun and a learning experience for
both them and you at the
same time. You may also have to do your own learning so you
can better teach them. If you have boys, get them involved in Boy Scouts.
The best way to begin preparing your kids
for a crisis is to talk to them about it. One way to do this is to talk
about situations that have happened in recent memory. You could talk about
hurricane Sandy, or the Japanese tsunami, the earthquake in Haiti.
You can also discuss current events in the U.S. that raise concerns for you—the
possibility of economic collapse, the instability of key infrastructure like
bridges and highway overpasses in case of a major earth quake, or even the
likelihood of another terrorist attack.
The main thing is to underscore
that big changes can happen very quickly, and they can happen anywhere, so it’s
important to be prepared. You however can leave out the gory details that might
leave your kids feeling frightened.
Get Them Involved, as your kids get older, whenever you’re doing preparedness training, building up your supplies, or running through contingency plans, involve them. Give them a role to play. Assign them tasks. Let them learn along with you. When a real crisis does come up, this will help by giving them a sense of responsibility and control. Nothing breaks down mental fortitude faster than feeling helpless and useless.
Help set them up with their own "Bug Out" emergency bag if you reside in a metropolitan area.
Evaluate Your Possible Situation Beforehand ; It will also make a huge difference if you live in an urban area, out in the country, or in lowland near a river or in the path of a major flood, lowland beach property in case of a tsunami, or near a possible volcano eruption.
In many situations, you may be able to still stay in your own home, but may need electrical power, or a tarp to cover a roof that a tree fell into. In those instances where you may have to move out, as during a major flood, fire or hurricane, try to locate a friend or two on high ground or in a different geographical area beforehand that you could move in with, or park your RV at. Normally you will have a warning of some kind unless you are totally disconnected from the local and or world news.
If you live in a city where everyone else will be evacuating on the same roads, don't wait, get out as early as possible. Try to avoid the main roads if possible. Look at road/street maps ahead of time, mark them with colored sharpies and keep them in your vehicles, try to figure out an alternate route, even more than one would be a wise choice, then drive them occasionally for familiarization if you have to use one during the night. It would be better to get out early and later find it be somewhat of a lesser emergency that was predicted, than to wait, then get stalled in a major traffic jam, then run out of gasoline in your vehicle.
Each type of emergency and location will have different needs for different people. Your imagination and ability to carry out your plan will be the limiting factors. Your needs will change as time goes by. Your family will be your prime consideration. Do you have young children or even someone under your care who is physically handicapped that would need special consideration?
When disasters happen, it brings out the best in people who up until then were total strangers. You may find many helping hands even without asking. You may also find that some of these hands are not extended in front of you, but behind you and, are trying to take advantage of the apparent weak/unsuspecting.
In situations like these, you can be mostly on your own as far as help from the police, fire department, even EMTs may be almost non-existent for small emergencies.
In most emergency situations, life goes on. Those that have jobs still need to be able to go to work, at least after the main crisis is over with. If you live in a rural area, there are still things that need to be done, even if you are retired. If you have a farm, there are animals that depend on you. And don't forget your pets either, as they also depend on you. And you may find yourself helping those that are less prepared than you or physically handicapped.
You can't control if, or when, a disaster happens, however you can control how prepared you are, and that's why you need to make a list as described below. These little things you do now, WILL make a huge difference in your future when that unexpected knock comes on your front door, or you realize things have went from OK to BAD and you need to be somewhere else SOON. You may be fortunate and have an hour or two notice OR it may be only 5 minutes. I suggest you get your list started today.
CLICK HERE for a few prepared checklists you can print off.
Emergencies Can Be Divided Into Different Groups ; (1) Those where you can stay in your abode. (2) Those that you have to evacuate.
Given the choice, most of us will want to stay in your own home if it is anywhere near habitable, or at least as close by as possible to be able to salvage some of your possessions IF they have survived. This will make a big difference in what you need to do in a disaster. And the disaster itself will dictate which it will be. It will take a lot of advance preparation if you only have less than an hour to pack up and get out. The #2 could also be broken out into the length of stay (short term as compared to long term).
In either of these choices, when things get dire, anything you have that may appear desirous to other humans, (or animals, both large and small for that matter) will be something that you may have to defend in order to keep possession of. The NUMBER ONE item in this category would be FOOD. If you live in a urban area, and you have a small garden, it could get raided if fruit or vegetables were in season. Your pantry or deep freeze, or their contents are not beyond this confiscation either. If you have a farm, either large or small, your animals could be slaughtered during the dark of the night by those who are hungry for food. And in a situation like this, culling will not occur, but the ones that are the easiest to take down, possibly even your registered prize bull or the only milk cow. The NUMBER TWO item others would want from you would be anything that could be construed to be SHELTER.
Make a List ; Put together a list and prepare some of the items beforehand which should all go into your GO Bag. Some of these will be covered below, but to give you a short list to start with. (1) Have some cash in your emergency kit, at LEAST $100 per person, ($200 would be better) – in small bills and rolls of quarters would be essential to your survival. (2) Have the following documents in a re-sealable plastic bag already packed. (a) contact list, (b) meeting places, (c) insurance card and copies of your policies, (d) other documents like birth certificate, Social Security card, living will, possibly even a passport. (3) Medications (try to get them in a 90 day supply) and personal items including eye glasses, a roll or two of toilet paper, some hand sanitizer, and a couple of those little bottles of shampoo they give away in hotel rooms; then add your favorite pain relievers, or allergy pills. (4) Water jug, with the 5 gallon collapsible ones preferred, (filled with water of course). (5) Don't forget children's needs as a special blanket or Teddy bear. (6) ALSO DON'T FORGET your pet's needs, as they rely on you for food.
Things You Can Do ; Waiting could be disastrous. This disaster could be a Tsunami, major flood, earthquake, tornado, even a nuclear disaster, some of which you need to react to ASAP.
Within a few hours of NOTIFICATION of a
pending major flood or wind storm with possible power
outage, grocery store shelves WILL be BARE and
a high possibility of no freight trucks
being able to get in soon, so
they could not be restocked anytime soon.
When an
emergency happens, food prices CAN be rocketing higher, and so is the risk of
breakdown in our modern just-in-time supply chain.
grocery stores do not stock more than a 48 to 72 hour supply, (and if they did,
during a power outage, after that time, the food would likely spoil unless they
had a standby generator which is unlikely) so if a run was
made (for whatever reason) the shelves could be bare for some time or
longer depending on the severity of the situation.
Whether folks like to admit it or not, incidents like the
late October of 2012's Hurricane Sandy hitting NY and NJ, show just how precarious the
supply chain is for items like food, water, vehicle fuel and electrical power. Then we
should all be able to remember the lasting effects and looting after hurricane
Katrina on the US southern coast in 2009.
The fact is that few of us are prepared by keeping the fuel tanks topped off in their vehicles, or to be able to feed themselves and their families for more than a day or two should grocery store shelves be emptied.
Breads/pastries/packaged meals and cheaper meats like hamburger and wieners would probably be the first to go, with bottled water and canned goods running a real close second. Third (depending on the season) may be heating supplies like propane bottles or kerosene heaters. Even if a major snow storm is bearing down on your area, salt could get hard to find. Why salt, you say, well it is used for melting the ice off the entrance to buildings, and if rock-salt disappears from the shelves, smaller granulated cooking salt will soon be gone also.
And in situations like this where there is an unknown, people do tend to buy more than they really need, (using that good old Credit Card) but then they have no idea of how long this situation will last either, and self preservation becomes primary. Things could become real ugly, real quick, even inside these stores as the stock diminishes where fights can break out. And do not expect any sale prices at times like this, even on outdated items.
During the February 2020 Corona virus outbreak in Seattle Washington, the West Coast Costco and Wal-Mart stores were sold out of sanitation supplies and even TOILET paper within a day of the notification/DIRECTIVE that people needed to self isolate themselves. This run on toilet paper is beyond my perception. WHY, what were they using before??? Hoping to resell it for a profit?
The other supplies that were most vacant or sparse on the shelves were canned soup, where one shopper was observed wiping out the whole soup section (hopefully to provide for a food bank or assisted living facility), breads and bottled water, sanitation supplies to name a few. Even the pet food shelves were sparse.
Interestingly, one of the food isles was bare EXCEPT for the vegetarian section. And the pet food section did not have anywhere near the selection that you are used to seeing. One hospital was broken into and all the face masks were stolen.
Safeway shelves in Chehalis Washington within just hours of notification of major flooding heading this way in 2007 | Here, after the 2012 hurricane Sandy in a area that did not get severely damaged, but as you see, the grocery shelves ARE BARE |
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Another possible disaster would be if you live in a moderate climate, but a heat wave engulfs the area. Your refrigeration/freezer units may not be able to keep up. This was especially experienced in the Chehalis Safeway store during the last week/week-end of June 2021. Temperature was 110 at my rural area, so it had to be hotter in the asphalt jungle.
This could also happen to your own household system, however possibly less if you have AC. Here, limit your opening the doors on both refer and freezer. Also, on the freezer be sure that you leave air passageways around your frozen goods (don't stack product tight against the walls, as this cuts down on the circulation), especially in a upright freezer.
About all of the ice venders in the area were swamped, with limits on purchases of 2 bags at many locations.
Safeway shelves in Chehalis Washington with the refrigeration system failing |
Same location as
on the left, but a few hours later when they had to remove all the refrigerated food. |
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Partner with someone to share some of the expensive items needed, like a portable generator, power saw, 4X4 quad or possibly a small boat. Also do you or your partner/family have a physical condition where you/they may need help occasionally? Or worse, if some of your family is so medically/physically disabled that just moving them creates a insurmountable problem. Then in the partner situation, if things get hairy as to civil uprising circumstances, you can not be on guard 24 hours a day, you need to get some rest/sleep. By choosing a neighbor/partner or two, you can trade off. Here is where neighborhoods can band together for the benefit of all. Be sure to look after your older neighbors.
If your city or county offers a Emergency Alert Program, sign up for it. These usually can be customized to how you want to be notified. And can be very beneficial in knowing ahead of time if something is coming your way.
Evacuate or Not? ; Most of the population (either local or Worldwide) will have some contact with the outer world and CAN be informed before a natural foreseen devastation will be on you. One exception could possibly be a tornado if you live in an area where they can spawn. Like the one 5-20-2013 in Oklahoma/Kansas where some only had 15 minute notice and total devastation was left in it's path. Here the only thing to do if you are close enough, is to head for a tornado shelter and pick up the pieces afterward.
Another exception here would be an earthquake or a related tsunami where you may get no warning in case of a earthquake but possibly 30 minutes in case of a tsunami, depending on where it is centered and where you live. Think about a earthquake like in Japan in March of 2011 and the following tsunami. What/where would you do/go if one of these happened in your area if you lived anywhere near a coastline?
We who live in western Washington or Oregon may be in line for a earthquake because of the nearby coastal Cascadia fault which is about 40 miles off the shore from northern Oregon to central Vancouver Island. For more up-to-date earthquake information CLICK HERE . You may well see apocalyptic landscape of collapsed schools and communication towers, crumbled bridges and office buildings, devastated water treatment and sewage facilities, ruptured natural gas lines and darkened electrical and communication grids for months. The experts say BE PREPARED, as it WILL HAPPEN, maybe tomorrow or a number of years from now.
Again, waiting can well be disastrous. Just look at hurricane Katrena a few years ago and hurricane Sandy in the United States more recently. Many lives were lost in both of these. Officials called for evacuation on both. However many people refused, some losing their lives by staying. It is not just the life threatening situation of the imminent disaster, but the aftermath involved as to housing, road/bridge destruction, contaminated water, power outages, food distribution etc. that will effect your ultimate survival that you need to think about.
In defense of those who may have chosen to not evacuate when given notice, some may not have had transportation, or chose not to leave their home, along with not fully understanding what was ahead. This could have been because of the possibility of the home being entered and belongings being looted or stolen while they were gone. Others, usually the older generation, may have decided that if they were to perish, they would prefer to go in where they resided for years. Each of us has to make our own decisions for what ever reason. However those that stay may well add to the extra burden on law enforcement and medical aid units, or put local volunteers at risk when things get considerably worse than those that stayed behind ever envisioned and then later changed their minds.
If power were to be out in your area for up to two weeks, how would it effect your living/surviving situation? If you do not have a power generator (and fuel for it), with no power to your refrigerator/freezer, within a few days what frozen foods you did have will be inedible. If a freezer is full of food and frozen, it will stay cold enough to not spoil the food for more than a few days, but it is best to not open the doors, just to check on it as you WILL LOOSE a lot of the coldness with the open door for just a few seconds. And if you are a city dweller and live an apartment complex, using a generator may be an issue, unless you have an outside balcony.
If your food supply was lost or used up in 3 days, how would you eat beyond that time frame? If your transportation was destroyed, or you had no fuel for travel (either personal or public) how would this effect you? There are a lot of things to take into consideration. Plan for the worst, hope for the best. But do not count on any governmental help.
Short Term Disaster;
Have a Go Bag ; Have a grab bag (sometimes called a Bug Out Bag) filled with the bare necessities if you have little notice (especially if you live in a urban area). Keep one in your vehicle. For those of you who hunt, fish or go camping, you may already have most of the makings of this bag. A back-pack could be a good start along with a duffle bag filled with a sleeping bag and some clothing. CLICK HERE for a link to quality larger military approved type backpacks. Even a couple of airline wheeled travel bags could hold a lot and be readily movable could be a very desired item.
Get Home Bag ; This will be something you will want to carry in your vehicle or keep another at your work site. It can vary, but essentially containing things that will assist you in getting home, be it hiking shoes if you are a woman who wears high heels to work, a small flashlight, pocket knife, spare keys, light weight rain gear or a poncho, and some cash. Anything that may help you if your car quits, or you got pick pocketed of your wallet.
Vehicle & Fuel ; It may not be practical to try to have a full fuel tank in your vehicles at all times, but you can refuel at the 3/4 point as often as possible, AND at least keep some extra stabilized fuel available for your vehicle. Remember that all the gas station fuel pumps are now computer operated and the pumps are run by electricity. If the power was to go off, no gas could be pumped without a portable generator being used and many station operators may not have made provisions for this or simply don't care unless they can up the price considerably. AND most assuredly the price of gasoline WILL increase IF it is even available AND possibly only paid by CASH because the credit card readers can not operate without electricity.
Gasoline or Diesel may also be rationed and lines to the pumps could be LONG for those that may be open. In some areas and situations, you may find that also a limit to the fuel to being used for generators and NOT vehicles (as portable electric power would be more lifesaving than vehicle travel). No vehicle drive ins, just 5 gallon carry ins at the pump.
It is recommended that you keep NUMEROUS full 5 gallon plastic fuel cans (10 would not be unrealistic). The reason for 5 gallon cans is that they are in the size that when full, most people could readily move them if required. Date them, keep them full AND STABILIZED and in a dark, cool location. Rotate them by using this fuel in your vehicle or lawn mower occasionally so that they do not get over a year old. Also keep some extra engine and transmission oil on hand. Also have a siphon hose (Arkansas Credit card) on hand. Also consider that if you happen to be in an area that is flooded, the below ground fuel tanks of the fuel stations may become contaminated. You might consider purchasing a couple of spare fuel filters for your vehicle.
Consider purchasing a medium to full size 4X4 vehicle with a heavy duty bumper guard on the front, if in case you get trapped in a traffic situation like a small riot (however try your very best to stay away from any area where a any riot may occur), you may be able to bully yourself out of the conflict as if you were in a destruction derby, or go thru/over otherwise impassable terrain. Even a electric winch on this vehicle may prove to be useful. Many dedicated hunters already drive these types of vehicles.
If you do get
caught even in a small riot, keep your vehicle doors locked and windows up and DO NOT
STOP even at a stop sign or stop light if at all possible as this gives the rioters a
chance to block you in or break into or overturn your vehicle. Turn your
emergency flashers on and lay on the horn, drive slowly, otherwise you may be
later construed to the the aggressor. Remember
with most of the newer vehicles, that if you stop
and put put the transmission into PARK, your doors will unlock automatically,
allowing the bad guys to get to you. If you think you have to turn it off,
leave it in Drive, but turn the key
off which usually keeps the doors locked on many cars.
And remember that about all the
Law Enforcement cars you see parked, they all will be backed in. This is
for a couple of reasons, (1) to be able to leave in a hurry if needed. (2)
so that they can get out and not be blocked in. (3) it is a lot easier to
see what is in now in front of you than behind you. You can even tell a
retired officer by the way he/she parks.
Maybe even a motor scooter or small motorcycle or even a quad could be useful under some circumstances, which could be used
to get around in difficult places
and on considerably less fuel than a full sized
four wheeled vehicle. The scooter or small motorcycle would be very
advantageous in an urban area.
How about being sure your vehicle's fire extinguishers are operational? Even
have a spare one. Have
a spare vehicle key hid outside/under the vehicle in a magnetic case. Tell
your family where this key is hidden. Or
on those vehicles that use a door keypad, use it occasionally so you remember
the code, or set it to your birthday.
An operational bicycle could also be a benefit to have on hand if you are physically able to handle one.
Groceries ; Before hand, buy groceries in quantities so that you have a surplus enough to keep you thru for at LEAST TWO WEEKS --OR MORE at all times. A month or two would be better. Much of this could be dry goods, like dry beans, split peas, brown rice, crackers, dried potatoes, even some dried milk, coffee or tea, salt/pepper/sugar and other spices. Canned food like soup, Spam, corned beef, hash or canned chicken or tuna which does not need to be refrigerated and can be eaten without the need for heating would be good to have on hand. If you have any cooking facilities, then Rice-A-Roni or Macaroni and Cheese or Top Ramen could also be added to the list.
You also might learn how to make your own bread/biscuits. Then for your breads, Bisquik and flour (along with yeast) would be a good items to also have on hand. Another thing would be stuffing mix. And don't overlook peanut butter, or jam/jellies. And don't forget soap and cleaning supplies either.
A case or two of military surplus MREs would not be a bad thing either, even if the expiration date was past is better than none. Brownie mix would be something easy to fix and nutritional plus being energy efficient. One expert also recommends including dried banana slices. And don't forget quick oatmeal. A few large bags of Halloween candy is a good item to have also. All of the above mentioned foods would last almost indefinitely if stored properly.
Another thing to consider if you can raise a garden or able to purchase fruit and vegetables, would be to purchase canners, both pressure type and water bath. And learn how to use them.
A book on wild edibles could be very important, especially if it had color photos of these items. Camping & Wilderness Survival book is one that you may consider purchasing.
I make it a point to at least every month to visit one of the grocery stores that discount meat if it gets near the "sell by" date. i have made some great buys doing this, which I vacuum pack and freeze.
A fishing rod unit and some tackle may also supplement your diet if you lived in a area that the conditions were right. Don't try to use a fly rod if you are a fly fisherman, as you are not out for the sport now, but a more useful spinning outfit would be a better option. Fabricate gear for a set line with many hooks on it would be more realistic. By using this, you do not have to spend valuable time trying to catch fish. You could check it once or twice a day. Many states have declared fishing gill nets or set lines being illegal, but in a survival situation, you might want to do some internet research ahead of time and purchase books and/or net making supplies.
Dried/dehydrated foods can also be stored as a cost-effective and healthy alternative to factory-produced foods. Learn how to dry fruits and vegetables. You don’t need special equipment, either. Fruit can be placed in the oven at about 130 degrees or on a cookie sheet in the sun under a sheet of loose plastic until dry. Dried pears are a good item to have as they usually have more sugar in them than apples. Apples need to be sprinkled with sugar and some cinnamon before drying, otherwise they are very bland.
Extra salt should be considered in case your stay gets extended, whereby it can be used to preserve food, like drying/smoking. Learn how to smoke fish and game meat.
And as mentioned above, don't forget your pet's needs as their food being primary.
Remember that cleanliness, both personal and household would be a prime concern, as in any unhealthy environment, disease or viruses can creep in, and that is something that you do not need to add to your problems.
Water ; The human body can last a long time without food, but clean water is a requirement for life. It lubricates the body and helps regulate body temperature among other needed essentials. Dehydration can set in very quickly without adequate supplies. Water is the single most important element needed to sustain life. The water we use must be as uncontaminated as possible.
Keep enough purified
water on hand. A couple of 5 to 7 gallon plastic cans per person would surely
be helpful. Date them, and check it occasionally, dump then replace the
older stale stuff. If you live in a area where rain is not uncommon, make
provisions to catch roof runoff water.
Installing a basic rainwater collecting system is
easy and a wise move. For a more advanced solution, consider installing a
cistern, either underground or in your basement. You can easily find the
equipment you need at your local hardware store, or Home Depot. The main
idea is to catch the rain as it runs off your roof and guide it into a
If you are
preparing for a long haul situations, a 1,000
square feet roof, a simple collection system can yield about 315 gallons of
water from 1/2 inch of rainfall. Your collection procedure should consist of a
preliminary flush where you divert the first few gallons of rain water
that washes off the roof which may containing bird droppings, chemical residue
from pollution, dead leaves etc., away from entering your water collecting container.
However it would be best if the gutters were cleaned beforehand. Do not use water collected from a roof
for human consumption, unless you sanitize it. You'll want to add a few
important steps to your system which involve better filtration and purification
so it's safe to drink. The easiest method of purification would be treat
it with Clorox as described below. A gallon jug of clean water will can be
a valuable barter item.
Have the ability to purify it by (1) boiling, (2) disinfecting, (3) filtering or even (4) distillation, then (5) solar purification. You should purify all water of uncertain origin before using it for drinking, food preparation or hygiene. There are many ways to purify water. None are perfect. Often the best solution is a combination of methods. Before purifying, let any suspended particles settle to the bottom, or strain them through several layers of a paper towel or a clean cloth.
(1) BOILING, is the safest method of purifying water. Bring it to a boil for from 3 to 5 minutes. It will taste better if you put oxygen back into it by pouring it back and forth between two clean containers. This will also improve the taste of stored water.
(2) DISINFECTING, can be accomplished by using ordinary household liquid bleach. Use only regular household bleach containing 5.25% sodium hypochlorite. Do not use scented bleaches. Add 16 drops of bleach per gallon of water, stir then let it stand for at least 30 minutes. If the water does not have a slight bleach odor, repeat the dosage and let stand for another 15 minutes. Agents other than household bleach, such as iodine or water treatment products sold in camping or surplus stores, do not contain the 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as the active ingredient, and should not be trusted.
(3) FILTERING, is the fastest and easiest way to purify water, but you shouldn’t rely on filters that you use in the kitchen to reduce chlorine. Consider purchasing the outdoor filters that backpackers use in the wilds which are small and quite portable, which can be obtained through online retailers like Cheaper Than Dirt. These filters eliminate bacteria, while keeping the water tasting like water.
It is suggested to keep both purification tablets and a filter in your go bags, alongside any food, medical supplies and defensive materials. It’s great to be prepared for disasters that cause problems, but you should also be prepared in case the situation becomes an apocalypse.
(4) DISTILLATION, is probably not worth considering in situations like this, however it is an option.
(5) SOLAR PURIFICATION, purifying questionable water using solar power is a simple fool-proof method. And all you need is a clear plastic water bottle, a piece of cloth and a funnel. Put the bottle out in the sun. Lots of bottles. Now let them sit. And that’s it! If you’ve got direct sunlight it should be pure after 6-7 hours. If it’s cloudy outside, give it about two days. The trick is, the Ultra Violet rays pierce the clouds. So even on a dreary day, the sun is purifying your water.
Put the funnel in the mouth of another empty plastic bottle. Then put the cloth down so it covers the entire funnel which is going to filter out any of the big particles.
The town of Adna Washington 12-2007 just before dark. The house in center foreground soon was soon swept away. Note the helicopter above & the person standing on it's skid. | A drift-boat & trailer that was in storage there, now on roof of a SW Fairgrounds building that had 14' of water in it. This photo taken from a boat with about 8' of water still remaining. |
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Got an RV? ; If you have a RV motor-home, travel trailer or pickup camper, keep it stocked and ready to go. If you do not have one, you don't have to spend lots of dollars on a large motor home that you may not use a lot. Do some research and consider your current needs that may fit a recreational RV into AND for a later possible survival situation. Here smaller is usually better. Good older used usable units could be available sometimes in a economical price range, maybe not as fancy, but could be very serviceable even though some possible repairs may be needed, and these repairs attended to over time.
Even a tent would be better than sleeping under a tree in a park or a field. Maintain a propane bottle/bottles in the RV that is close to being full, or better yet have a couple of full spare bottles. Or if the tank is in a fixed location under the RV, make up a connector cable to fit a portable bottle. Extra sleeping bags should also be high on the list also. Have extra wool blankets on hand. A 10' X 12' tarp or two may be useful as a shelter in itself or as a additional shelter/awning to your existing unit .
What if All Means of Travel are Blocked? ; If a disaster happens that devastates roads/bridges (like a earthquake or flood) which creates any blockage to or from them, a vehicle may be useless. A earthquake may damage or destroy many bridges or overpasses. Or the over-height freight truck taking out a section of the I-5 bridge over the Skagit River in northwestern Washington state May 23rd of 2013 as seen in the photo below. Just how vulnerable are we?
If one of your escape routes happens to be along a river or over a mountain pass and there happens to be a LOT OF RAIN for an extended time, road washouts or mud slides are not that uncommon.
Keep road maps (both city and state, and don't rely totally on electronic maps) in your vehicle. If you have a handheld GPS unit that you use for hunting, be sure the batteries are current or are the same as you camera or mini-flash light, (or rechargeable) where if roads are demolished this may give you some aid in locating optional traffic routes.
You could need to move on foot and possibly fast for a distance. In circumstances like this, then the biggest threat to your survival is your own body, or your lack of keeping it in shape. Is your cardiovascular system sufficient to sustain these efforts or are you going to be at risk of dying because you cannot get to safety in time?
Do you
spend time at the gym, jogging down the sidewalk or out hiking on a trail,
getting your heart to pump harder and faster so it too can be ready for whatever
you throw at it? If not, and you are a couch potato, you are setting yourself up for failure. In
situations like this, your carefully stored food, CCP/CCL and your firearm stash is
not going to get you out alive, it’s going to be your heart/lungs/legs that will
determine if you live or die.
Just as you plan the material aspects of
your survival, you must plan on being fit enough to implement that plan. This
discussion is addressing the most critical factor in most survival situations,
the ability to flee and do it quickly. This has to do with the ability of
your heart to deliver oxygen and glucose to your muscles. In an effort
lasting longer than a few seconds but less than 20 minutes, glucose is what is
being burned.
Also you should consider your feet. If your heart/lungs are built up to where they will allow you to act quickly, but your feet/shoes are not also in good shape or the wrong shoes, all the exercise is worthless if you only have high heeled shoes or have to move with the aid of crutches. If you are a lady, do you have normal walking/hiking shoes under your desk at work? To exercise your lungs, here is a simple thing you can do a few times a day, even at your desk, that will help. Take DEEP breaths thru your mouth, hold it for 20 seconds or more, and exhale slowly thru your tightly puckered lips (building up pressure in side your lungs). Do this for a few minutes 4 or 5 times a day. This will help build up your lung capacity even while you are doing other things. However if you or anyone in your family has COPD, you will have to take that into careful consideration.
Fire/Heating/Cooking Source ; Keep some sort of a heat source on hand for heat as well as cooking that is readily movable, like the Propane or Butane camp style burners as long as you also provide for extra fuel. Some of these units act as a combo heater or a cooking unit depending on the placement of the burner. The small portable Bar-B-Que grills could also be used. Having an extra or even two of the standard 5 gallon Bar-B-Que size propane tanks full and on hand is a good idea. Even a case of the 16 oz. propane bottles would be a good idea. Propane does not go stale like gasoline, but lasts indefinitely, so extras would be a good investment. Stock up while you still have that option, or have the chance to buy them on sale.
In our last house remodel, we added a wood heating stove in the living room. which has a flat top surface that could double as a warming/cooking surface. And I keep a couple cords of firewood in the barn.
Even a outdoor metal fire pit made of a damaged truck wheel with metal grates and firewood could be used for cooking. Or you could save a old Bar-B-Que grill plate and use it for a outdoor fire pit grill to cook on. Of course any of these will be of little help if you do not have cooking utensils, pots and pans, or water buckets or burnable material.
Now you will have to also have some utensils, like knives, forks and spoons, unless you want to act like a cave-man. One item to consider is a Ka-Bar "outdoor diner" which is a folding knife with knife/fork and spoon blades that sells for about $20.00.
A Light Source ; You will need a means of supplying some kind of a light source. This can be in the form of a portable generator, (you don't need a large one, possibly a 1500 to 2000 watt would be plenty), propane lanterns, or Kerosene lamps, even candles. Flashlights (with extra batteries) while they are only a temporary situation, but are still a needed item. The head lamp lights are very useful in a hands free situation. Which ever you choose, have enough fuel or batteries to carry you thru your expected emergency. Even having a plentiful supply of extra vehicle fuel could be good trading stock as the emergency is extended.
Currency or Trading Stock ; Keep extra cash money readily available, one suggestion is to maintain a $1000 stash, of possibly 1/2 in $50 and $100s and the rest in denominations of $20 and UNDER, up to as much as you feel comfortable with. In addition $200 would not be a unreal number for each member of the family. Also have a few rolls of quarters for use on smaller items. However do not carry your paper money in your wallet, possibly a money belt or a clip-on wallet in your boot, but not something a pick-pocket could quickly have access to. In today's economy where the interest rates are very low, even having a secure safe at home and some of your savings in it, has benefits by you having access when you need it.
Some of the doomsday preparedness people say the paper dollars will be devalued badly. However, if you think about it, even if this happens and you have stashed some gold or silver, how readily acceptable will they be, at least early on? Yes, these may be desirable in the long haul, but you will still have to survive in the interim and the current paper trading currency may be the only thing available. And you may need the gold or silver a lot more later on down the road.
Have more than one major credit card. Even though you may not normally use a cash machine, it may be good to memorize, or write down your PIN number in a code (if you don't use it enough to remember it) in a secure/obscure location in your wallet, just in case.
Seek out small inexpensive non deteriorateable items beforehand that may become in demand, and use these for trading stock. This could include Butane cigarette lighters, candles, strike anywhere matches, candy bars, sewing kits, safety pins, soap/shampoo, tube stockings, 22RF ammo, Sterno and or propane fuel canisters, etc., even toilet paper.
Legal Documents ; Get your legal documents photo copied and the originals put in a safe deposit box. This could be your birth certificate, Social Security number, will, living will or trust, community property agreement, power of attorney, bank account numbers, property deeds, vehicle titles, passports, cemetery deeds, promissory notes, etc, etc.
Firearms ; It’s also a good idea to stock up on firearms AND ammunition beforehand. Not for the dramatic purpose of taking on the government, as some gun control advocates suggest, and not necessarily to hunt game with, but for the prudent home defense to protect you from that human predator if the time comes. Because if you are the one who has prepared, and they have not, they may desire to take what you have. And IF "they" are a gang, or bigger than you (or have the means where they can bully you), you WILL be the victim.
These firearms need to be selected carefully so that they are a common enough caliber that ammo is/will be readily available AND transportable if the time comes. Here is really no need for a high powered elk or sniper style rifle, (however if that is all you have, then keep it). One gun that comes to mind for a outdoor survival is a Savage model 24 over/under in 22RF / 410 or preferably 22RF / 20 ga. for a subsistence firearm. The reason for the 20ga. being preferred over the 410, is that the 20ga. ammo is a more readily available and the price will be only slightly higher than the 410, but the 20ga. would be a better choice because of being more efficient, using a higher volume of birdshot equating to a better more efficient killing pattern for birds.
A Ruger 10/22 semi-auto rifle with a 4 power scope would also be very hard to beat. 22 RF ammo is rather inexpensive and a considerable number of rounds can be stored in relatively small containers. Also consider purchasing a few boxes of 22 RF Subsonic or CB ammo. This can be used to shoot small animals or birds for food but yet not attract a lot of attention as they are so low powered that they make very little noise. These low powered rounds will not cycle the semi-automatics, so you would have to manually operate them. Another wise choice would be a high quality air rifle.
When things get bad, you could possibly shoot, opossums, pigeons, crows, sea gulls, even starlings for food. Air rifles and sling shots should not be overlooked here either.
For a personal defense long gun, you need something that looks MEAN. If the time comes that you have to stand in front of your family, OR possessions, to protect them, you do not want a single shot or even a hunting type firearm, but something that anyone who has watched war movies will readily recognize without you having to verbally convey it's purpose to them. This could be a Soviet military style AK47 or American AR15 type military rifles. Have 15 or 20 even 30 round magazines (depending on the firearm) loaded and readily available. The 30 round magazines in one of these firearms make them quite impressive. And this is a time where you do not want to be hesitant in showing off your means of protection in situations if you have to confront a possible adversary. You will probably not have to say a word, as they WILL (or should) get the message, IF NOT, then it is showdown time. And if you back down, or even hesitate, then the game is all over with you and / or your family very likely becoming a casualty. Never turn your back on anyone in situations like this. But remember, if you do have to use it, REASONABLE and NECESSARY would be your legal guidance.
As for a handgun, a 22RF to match your survival rifle's ammo AND a 9mm, 40 S&W or 45ACP semi-automatic for personal defense would be a good choice. However if you already own a 357 or 44 Magnum and have enough ammo, these will work. EXCEPT a high capacity magazine type semi-auto with extra magazines is considered way better in a defensive situation because of the ease of faster reloading. Wear a concealed holster for your handgun, shoulder holsters or high ride hip holsters, with provisions for carrying spare magazines would be high on the list here. No sense in advertising that you are carrying, as surprise is on your side in a situation like this. Your adversary to be, will not walk up to you waving a skull and crossbones flag, but will approach you as a friend OR someone in need, then IF they decide you have what they want AND you are vulnerable, they will take you on when you least expect it. Be VERY observant and suspicious of EVERYONE, don't let your guard down even for one second. Do not let anyone get behind you. Develop and sharpen your survival instincts and DO NOT question them. It is way better to be safe than sorry.
If you opt for a shotgun instead of the rifle, (however I would recommend both) then a pump riot type (18" or 20" barrel) would be the type to have. The legal barrel length for shotguns is 18". They could still be used for shooting game if need be. But choose wisely so that you have the ability to have enough ammo to get you thru any situation. Or you can trade/requisition what ammo you need. If possible have it use the same ammo as your survival combo gun. Have your previous mentioned neighbor/partner consider the same calibers so your combined ammo could stretch farther.
Have a lot of ammunition on hand for all of your selected firearms, even enough that you may be considered a terrorist by some. This could include a minimum of 2000 rounds of 22RF, 1000 rounds to fit your military type rifle and 200 rounds of shotgun ammo. Keep this ammo in old military metal sealable 30 and 50 caliber ammo cans. These will provide you the means of easily carrying at least a minimum quantity of ammo if you have to grab and run. This could also include surplus military ammo bandoliers or pouches that you COULD readily carry what you need if The $hit Hits The Fan.
Sight in these firearms beforehand and become familiar with them, understanding their functioning before your emergency occurs. Consult a gunsmith, have him examine your firearm and purchase a spare parts kits for them.
Firearm Cache ; Consider having a gun or two with corresponding ammo stored in a waterproof container, buried in a safe but readily accessible location, and not necessarily on your own property.
Firearm Usage in Defending Yourself or Family
Just to be clear: As far as many are concerned, the 2nd Amendment is a
simple and unshakeable right that we of the USA are guaranteed. What isn’t
as simple in that fundamental right, is the enormous mountain of different (and
often times complicated) local, state and federal laws that accompany our right
to keep and bear arms.
There are countless stories of good people who
unintentionally overstep the law related to firearms and pay a huge personal
price later. And while things like legal battles and court dates are not
always avoidable after a justified self defense shooting, there are many
avoidable pitfalls that people find themselves trapped in simply because they
didn’t know they were there. There is far more to being prepared and ready
for personal defense than simply owning a gun. If you have to use a
firearm in a situation where someone is stealing your food or property, this is
entirely different than PROTECTING your life. If YOU perceive that your
LIFE IS in danger, it is a lot different than your TV set is being carried out the
door and the looter has their back to you. You will have to make a
quick, clear decision and hope what you are standing for is worth the outcome.
Again, if you have to stand in front of what you own or are trying to protect your family from a bunch of highly motivated or hungry rioters, DO NOT try to do it with a single shot shotgun, but something that looks mean and ugly, like what is commonly called a "assault rifle". Years ago before the AR-15's became common, a deputy sheriff told me that one of the best riot control firearms available would be a sawed off, Double Barreled, NICKEL PLATED, 10 ga. shotgun. Big/Bad and Ugly and very Intimidating.
However if you feel that you have to show a firearm in circumstances like this, you are putting yourself in a situation, where you just may have to use it, and IF you don't, then you may see it taken from you and used on your/your family. You had better be a good talker and a very good poker player. Again what is REASONABLE and NECESSARY !!!!!
In the LH photo below, I will bet the work boot shelf was not touched.
Looters after hurricane Sandy | Property owners enforcement notice after Sandy |
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First Aid/Medical Conditions ; Take a First Aid class and have a well stocked kit (better yet, have two) on hand that has a First Aid book as well.
One thing I have used for about 40 years for burn treatment is Go Jo mechanics liquid hand cleaner. As a mechanic/machinist I have gotten many BAD burns on my hands. After taking numerous First Aid classes where they recommended holding your hand in cold water to ease the pain, I did one better. During one of these instances, when standing over a sink of cold running water, I had to get back to work, so I just reached on the shelf and applied Go Jo hand cleaner to the burn, which also relieved the pain. However I kept it on the burned area, either by reapplying or holding a saturated cloth pad over the burn for a few hours.
What I found was that this hand cleaner
contains large quantizes of Lanolin. A burn removes the moisture in the
skin. Lanolin helps replace this moisture. The best way to do this on a
hand is to apply the Go Jo to the hand and then slip on a Latex surgical glove,
which keeps the Go Jo in place and keeps it from drying out. I have had BAD 3rd degree burns to a hand,
but using my method, and by keeping it covered with Go Jo for 4-6 hours, (for
real bad ones I would go for 8 hours) no blister ever forms and you have to really
look to find the effected area the next day. The last one I had like this,
5 weeks later just the outer skin flaked off. I mentioned this to a First
Aid instructor and was told DO NOT use that as it has NOT BEEN approved for
burns, well maybe so, but if the skin is not broken what can it hurt? OK, this
educated idiot probably has never even had a bad burn of his own.
If you have
young children in the family, their needs will be paramount. Even games
or Teddy Bears for them is important to keep them occupied.
If you or any of your family use medication daily, be sure to have some extra (however about impossible in the modern day computer age) so a simple way to build a small stockpile of prescription medication would be to try to skip your medication one day a week if you can get by. If you need your eye glasses, keep a old pair available as a backup. Spare hearing aid batteries for those who are hearing impaired may be a worthwhile investment but again rotate these as they may tend to deteriorate if left for years.
Keep current on your flu shots. Have a well stocked medicine kit containing pain pills, antiseptics, bandages, cough drops etc. Ask your family Physician what they would suggest in expanding your First Aid kit. CLICK HERE for a link to a normally stocked kitchen item that has been used for centuries as an Elixir.
Those of you who may need a cane for stability in walking, have more than one, and placed in strategic areas or vehicles.
If you have someone in the family that is wheelchair bound and or on Oxygen, this will be a contributing factor in many of your decisions.
Personal Sanitation ; Having some hand soap/hand sanitizer and towels available to be able to wash up with would be important items in times like this. Have a portable toilet, Port-A-Potty or even a 5 gallon bucket and extra garbage liners along with extra toilet paper available. You can purchase a special toilet lid assembly that fits 5 gallon buckets that works great. Lime could also be used for the toilet disposal to help prevent possible later contamination.
Spare Containers ; Having spare empty gallon jugs would be something you could use for many things. Even used milk jugs would be better than nothing. Or store drinking water in them and then use the jug for other things when empty.
Predators ; Here you could have more than human predators, especially if it was a major flood. Rats, mice, opossums, raccoons, coyotes, even deer may be displaced and looking for shelter and food. Mouse and rat traps would probably be a good idea to have on hand.
Spare Clothing ; Have more than one extra change of warm clothes, as you may not be close to a means of washing clothes for some time, other than in a pond, stream or river. Even have fowl weather gear if it appears that need may arise. A camouflaged jacket and hat could be a lifesaver as in situations like this you do not want to stand out in the crowd. This is the time for camouflage clothing instead of your red or florescent orange hunting gear or highly visible boating type fowl weather gear. A spare pair of outdoor type shoes or rubber boots might also be a good idea if you have the room for them. Don't forget extra stockings as your feet may now be your means of getting around and you need to take care of them. Again a couple of wool blankets may well be important.
Communications ; Have a working cell phone with your normal call numbers in the memory bank, plus emergency numbers and a 12 volt charging plug in unit. Even consider a solar charger. But be aware that the phone lines may become jammed with everyone trying to make phone calls. It would also be very possible that cell towers may also be effected OR at least inundated with usage. If an emergency happens, the word is that cell phone usage will overburden the resources and calls will not go thru, but TEXT messages will because of the less space they take up on the server.
Make a small written list of the most often called numbers and keep it in your wallet, in case your cell phone's battery went dead or you lost the phone and needed to contact a family member on someone else's phone.
The word has leaked out that the U.S. Government has in force a plan that, in the event of another terrorist attack, will immediately cut-off EVERYONE's ability to use cell phones, as this is the preferred communication source used by terrorists and is often the way that their bombs are detonated. How will you communicate with your loved ones in the event you cannot use phones, internet? Bottom line is, you need to have a plan in place, and then a backup plan!
Have a emergency radio
or two on hand.
These are usually operated by either household electricity, battery or even can be
sonar operated. Try to have it so that your battery needs are
the common sizes, and keep spares. I have one of these in my fishing room
that has had the same batteries in it and still going strong for over 5 years
and I use it quite a bit.
The small 2-way hand held rechargeable CB hunting type
radios can prove invaluable. CB radio is a
short-range communication system used by individuals and businesses alike, but
the most well-known users are America's truckers on channels 19 or 17.
Another important channel is channel 9 which is reserved for emergencies by the
FCC. The typical CB range is two to twenty miles, depending on the terrain
and the size of your antenna. Use your CB radio during in a emergency by
establishing a family-and-friends channel, where you listen at pre-designated
times .
Purchase the marine survival whistles for everyone in the family plus your neighbors. Set up a code system, write it down on each whistle so no one forgets.
If you store most of your information on your computer, copy it off/back up onto a mini disc often and store this in a safe deposit box also. If you have the room, take your lap-top computer and charging cord if you have to evacuate.
Communications Drills ; Along with your rehearsed emergency preparedness drills, all members of your household should have a plan for communicating with each other before, during and after an emergency. As said, a battery-operated walkie-talkie or radio (such as a Motorola Talkabout) in all of the family's Go Bag is a must. But other analog signals are just as important, if not more so. Signals such as lowering a flag or stacking rocks on your front porch can be used to communicate important information, such as that your family has evacuated to grandma’s house, or to your safe designated location, or that everyone is OK. Disaster areas are typically littered with makeshift message boards, each filled with information left for loved ones. By creating a few important analog signals, you can avoid one of these helpless feeling situations.
Establish a Rendezvous
You will need to establish a secure central
location so that if your family may get separated, that they all understand
where to meet at. Have a alternative location also in case the
primary one is impossible to get to. Even establish a final alternate
location farther away in case of a local emergency, like
Grandma's or uncle Charlie's out of the area.
Another good idea is to
have some simple visible means of communicating with your family without leaving
a large handwritten sign. This could be
even as simple as moving as planted flower pot or two on the front porch to a
different location, indicating that you, or someone had been there and were at
the designated rendezvous.
Natural Antibiotics as Close as Your Pantry ;
In case an emergency cuts you off from essential outside
services like power, water, or medical care, there are a lot of kitchen items
you may normally keep in your pantry or under the sink that can actually
help you cope in times of emergency. They're useful for everyday tasks, but in
an emergency they do double-duty.
Other than using in cooking,
vinegar's usefulness goes way beyond that. Vinegar can be used to keep your home
clean and sanitary. In any sort of a breakdown, home hygiene may become more
important than ever – it's the first line of defense against disease, which
often follows in the wake of a disaster or social breakdown. You can use
vinegar to clean sink drains, to clear away mildew, and to deodorize just about
You can make sure garden produce is safe to eat by washing it
in a mix of four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a gallon of water which
makes a sanitizing wash that's good for fruits and vegetables – it will
remove pesticides and nasty germs.
You can also use it to treat mild
ailments. Dabbing a cotton ball soaked in vinegar on minor burns or insect bites
relieves pain and itching. Mix equal parts vinegar and honey and take a
tablespoon every four hours to relieve a sore throat and cough. Or even use it
full strength for a mouthwash. Vinegar is cheap and lasts a long time in
storage. Stock up!
Honey's good for sweetening a bowl of oatmeal,
or tea, but it can do a lot more than that. Honey can be a real lifesaver when
it comes to health issues. During any sort of social breakdown that makes it
more difficult to get medical care, infection becomes an important concern. It
works as a natural antiseptic. You can apply honey to cuts and abrasions to
prevent infection. You can also use it to treat many mild illnesses. For one,
mix honey with lemon juice to help soothe a sore throat.
Bleach will keep your whites things white, but it's also an essential item in an
emergency situation. Bleach is good for sterilizing surfaces, but way more than that, you can use it to make water safe to drink. Add 1/8 of a teaspoon of
chlorine bleach to a gallon of clear water (1/4 teaspoon if the water is
cloudy), and allow it to stand for at least 30 minutes. Then it will be safe
to drink, cook with, or clean with. Like vinegar, it's cheap and easy to store.
It could also be a great barter item in a crisis, provided you put away
Another common household item, baking soda can be
useful in a number of situations. It works well as an antacid. Or for an upset
stomach, stir ½ teaspoon of baking soda into a half a cup of warm water and
drink it. Repeat every two hours as necessary, but don't take more than 6
glasses a day. And limit your doses to 3 if you're over sixty.
relief of poison ivy or other rashes apply a paste of it and water for relief. In a pinch, you can also use baking soda as a fire extinguisher. Pouring baking
soda on a small fire will quickly suffocate it.
SALT : This favorite
food seasoning can be a lifesaver during turbulent times. First, your body needs
salt to survive. Having plenty of salt on hand not only makes your food
reserves more palatable, but also keeps this critical nutrient as part of your
daily diet. However it is one our earliest ways of treating wounds and staving
off infection. Even today, a saline wash is a typical first-line treatment
for cleaning wounds or eye and nose injuries. You can dissolve 1½ tablespoons of
salt in one cup of water to make a 10% saline rinse that you can use to
clean small cuts and abrasions. This is one more household item you can use to
prevent infection.
Salt is also an excellent food preservative. You can
pickle and can a number of foods with salt and you can even preserve meat with
it, should you be without power and looking for ways to make your food last
longer. Coating raw meat completely in coarse salt and storing it in a cool
place (around 59 degrees) can keep the meat safe to eat for up to three
weeks. And, it makes it taste good when you cook it, too. Avoid eating meat that
takes on a bad smell during this process – it's a time-tested means of
preserving meat, but that doesn't mean it's 100 percent foolproof, so use your
common sense.
Between these five items, a few rolls of duct tap, and
several packs of zip-ties, you'll be prepared to deal with minor illnesses and
injuries, to keep your food supply safe, to treat water if needed, and to
keep your environment clean and safe. That's not too shabby using just a handful
of things that don't cost much and that you probably keep on hand anyway.
What is Needed After it the Emergency Eases Off, or is Over ; You will need to make provisions for recovery after things clear up. Before hand, make a list and keep it secure of your insurance company's phone numbers, bank branch and account numbers and passwords, electric power company, possibly even take photos of your home and possessions then save them on a computer mini disc. In all probability trying to contact the local law enforcement would be fruitless for anything unless it was life threatening or worse.
If this emergency happens to be a major earthquake, highway bridges and overpasses will be closed by DOTs for inspection of structural damage. This could be the makings of public chaos, until they are declared OK, or even shut down if need be, requiring detours. Just think about it, how many bridges would you have to use to go very far in the area you live? If you can't get out, food supplies could not get in. Some areas may be isolated for months, even longer. All the more reason to stock up on your survival supplies, but with food being high on the list.
Long Term Disaster ; Many of the short term recommendations will apply here also, however, here things could get nasty and have a lasting effect on your lives.
Surviving an Economic Collapse ; Now this will be somewhat the same as a natural disaster, but will be for an EXTENDED period of time. However you will usually have some time to prepare for an economic disaster as they do not happen overnight IF you understand and keep a close eye on national/world economics.
In today's world, you would have to be totally out of touch with the country's or world news to not be aware of the economy slumping or heading for the cliff. Currently in the USA, our government is falsifying data, "forgetting" to include some information, and printing money with no possibly way of ever repaying our debt, and the news media is not telling all that is happening, so it would be in your best interests to seek out other sources.
Corona 19 Virus ; Now somewhat contrary to my above mention to staying in touch, a economic downturn could easily pop up on a relatively short notice under ideal bad conditions. This being evident in the early months of 2020 when the Corona Virus quickly became spread world wide. This being a respiratory infection with no anti-virus immunization being known. And test kits for this disease were not plentifully available. So self isolation was forced onto the populace.
State and National orders to stop all meetings/congregations started at 250, then downward to 50 and finally of even 10 people, requesting for self isolation for initially 2 weeks and then later being extended. Some businesses who were not on the shut down list would limit the number of customers, some gave out numbers, then you had to wait outside until your turn came. Or stationing security at the doors, counting customers in and out. And the check out lines could become long, by having to be 6' apart.
The word was to self quarantine (or politically correct, "Social Distancing"). Initially it was to distance yourself at least 6' form others, wear face masks and latex gloves AND wash your hands OFTEN. The mandate was initially 2 weeks, (starting March 17th) but other overlaying mandates came along, and no one really knew when the actual target date was. Then it was found that the 2 week isolation was pre-mature so it was extended for another 4 weeks to May 4th. Then extended on to May 30th, and the goal post kept being moved farther away but with some construction work exclusions.
Hospitals were closed
(by a Federal Directive) to all
elective procedures and surgeries in preparation for the flood of virus
patients, (that never came) which forced employee layoffs. One known incident being a heart valve
replacement, where the lady died in her sleep a the day after the canceled
scheduled surgery was to take place, which made for family resentment. And
then the family could not even attend her graveside funeral graveside services except from
a vehicle parked 200' away.
Many State and National parks were restricted to daytime usage, and later being outright closed. The State of Washington even closed on
very short notice, recently approved razor clam digs because one county deputy health
official did not want hordes of potentially infected city dwellers invading his
less populated county. He later (May17th) rescinded his order and
suggested that WDFW might offer 3 days of clam digging before the season ended
on the 30th. But the governor still was adamant on his "Stay Home -
Stay Safe", until the 30th, which killed that proposal. It appeared that
the county was trying to get some influx of diggers to help bolster the business
Other cities closed all the parks, camp sites and motels in both Washington and Oregon coastal towns, giving 24 hours to vacate. It appears that MANY people including college students took advantage of time off and a wonderfully sunny day, showed up as a vacation on Spring Break, at the dismay of city fathers and the Governors.
However, if all the business are were closed, (except motels and grocery stores) who would be there to infect? And most clam diggers will be over 6' from each other. I understand being inundated by people who all probably thought that they would "Get Away" after being isolated for a while, but had no idea that the number of others with the same idea. Then on the other hand, being inundated, while being under a "Self Isolate" ban could be disastrous to the communities if only a couple persons were carriers for the virus.
All National, regional, even local sports were cancelled, even Little League baseball. At least the Seattle mariners are undefeated this season. All banquet type fund raisers for non profit organizations were cancelled. Some small churches elected to stay open under the 50 numbers order, but succumbed when the number went to 10. One large church had a drive-in parking lot service over a loudspeaker, but was broken up by police. Most churches then went to conference call services for Easter Sunday. Senior Centers were also cancelled. Most museums also closed their doors. Spouses can not even do a one on one visit in rehab/assisted living centers. The Washington State Governor even criticized those who went to parks, just to be outside in the sunshine, or jog, and had the parks shut down. However some city parks were open for just walking, no sitting and they had guards patrolling the grounds.
In many counties, prosecutors are looking at releasing jailed inmates who are nearing their time, or low on the bad list. But a few of the releasees have committed crimes (even) murder within two weeks after being released. Courts have canceled trials. Some Law Enforcement agencies have declared publicly that they will not be making arrests for “non-violent” crime. And they also have said that they will not evict renters for non payment.
Closures of all restaurants (other than take outs), bars, barbers, hair salons and "NON-ESENTIAL" businesses where anyone could gather even in small groups and infect others. Numerous small restaurants scrambled to make provisions to provide take out meals, even to the point of providing phone numbers outside so you could call in orders from the parking lot.
Grocery stores and Pharmacies were some of the few that were not on the closure list. Toilet paper was the first on the list to be bought up in volume and then scalped at a much higher price later. Alcohol based hand sanitizer was soon non-existent on the shelves.
Hospitals were advising
to DO NOT go to the ER, as you would have a way better
chance of contacting this virus than if you called your doctor's office and made
an appointment. One business that was allowed to the remain open list was
the marijuana stores. ???
Hardware or automotive stores could stay open, but for
how long with reduced business? Some businesses barricaded off the inside of the
stores at the cash register and if you wanted something, tell the cashier, who
would go get it for you. Most of these stores then put up plastic barrier
around the main counter to qualify for the governor's safety requirements. Are tire and automotive repair shops
exempt, apparently from observation.
However home construction was considered non-essential, but commercial construction was OK. But Home Depot and Lowes were doing a bang up business for home projects. Here the governor was KING, deciding who worked and who did not, but to some of us sideliners, he seemed to not be using common sense (or was being influenced by favors, political or financial). One business that he allowed to reopen was Tattoo Parlors, ??? And according to the governors directive, yard/garage sales were possibly also be on the shut down list.
As the shutdown
progressed, one more item soon vanished from the store shelves, HAIR CLIPPERS.
Businesses that could, converted to workers working
remotely from home. Many banks closed their lobbies and went to drive thru banking only,
with 1/2 to 3/4 of an hour wait in the line). Doctors did
calling their patients for checkups instead of in office visits. Some
government offices downsized to 1/2 workforce, rotating with 2 week shifts,
qualifying for the 14 day "Social Distancing". Others were only
open to online or phone business.
Many service businesses had to curtail operations, the hardest being those small Mom-Pop or self-employed, where un-employment benefits were non-existent. Also I know of one nationwide home repair business that has laid off 70% of their employees. Many of these businesses will never reopen their doors. Some national major service businesses (CUMMINS DIESEL for one) shut down and consolidated locations. This may very well lead to another Great Depression for many. Banks closed, consolidating with other branches.
Unemployment soured to unreal numbers, and to "help" a $600 bonus was added, which gives many more income than if they were working. This being the case, why return to work? And most of those on a fixed Social Security income are the ones that really need an increase, especially after the Congress voted down any increase, but gave themselves one.
A almost unbelievable situation caused by Our Government |
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In my area the one
indoor rifle/pistol range has closed down, however the outdoor range is still
open as last known. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
on 3-22-20. "Although camping is not allowed, WDFW wildlife areas and
water-access areas remain open for public use at this time. However, due to
theft and increased usage of their restrooms, visitors should plan to bring
their own hand sanitizer and toilet paper". Then a week later they
closed all fishing and the upcoming hunting seasons until May 4th with the
governor declaring a "STAY HOME - STAY SAFE" order. This really
irritated the recreational fishing public as Washington State was the only state in the union
to not allow fishing where isolation was not an issue.
By mid-April, fisherpersons demonstrated in boats and bank on/along the rivers, with signs "LET US FISH". The governor's office info as to why fishing was not allowed was that - "WDFW has documentation that fishermen usually drive some distance to recreate, stop for fuel, and at a restaurant for food (even for take out), and then congregate in parking lots", yet they allow mobs into ESSENTIAL grocery stores. The rub here was the commercial fishing netters were allowed on the same closed waters by the governor's order. He later re-opened partial fishing with restrictions, beginning May 5th. Washington was the only state in the union that shut down recreational fishing. With the still Stay Home/Stay Safe in order in place and all the unemployment AND schools closed, this forced a lot of concentration on the areas that were re-opened.
Mid May statistics showed a unemployment rate in Washington state at 520,000 or a 15.1% of the population.
Even funerals were effected to the point that in some cases, not even the family could be present when the member was buried. Many business are running scared, even though they might not be effected by the closures, they are afraid to test the high command, as there was a government website to report violators, with a $500 finders fee.
All of this was done to protect the public, even though this virus was considerably milder for most than the common flu as substantiated by death rates. The news media seemed to try desperately to outdo each other as for sensationalism. There was so much information out there, ranging from downright BAD to blaming the Government on misrepresenting information, that it was about impossible to really understand which was the truth, or anywhere in between. And all in the name of public safety, which was swallowed by many, "I am from the Government and I am here to help you" in the form of Socialism. And we have now set a nationwide example of what may come, if more than 10-15 people get the snivels each winter.
The news media does
report when someone is tested positive in the area, but can only give their age
according to HIPPA. Nothing can be given as to the location they live.
This may protect their privacy but if they do not observe the self confinement,
may well infect many others. Mind you this is
Self Confinement or Quarantined, but not MANDITORY or enforced in any way
(for a while at least).
It is hard to believe much of the information that is
fed to us,(or lack of it) some being conflicting. One being the numbers of
deaths contributed to this virus. Information leaked out that with the
hospitals being shut down that they were being paid by Medicare an enormous
amount (like $38,000) for every Corona Virus patient to supplement the loss from being closed
to elective surgeries. Therefore any patient that went into
Intensive Care, whether tested for the virus or not, if they died, were listed
as being from the virus. With this happening, the virus death numbers were
dramatically eschewed. And it seemed that miraculously there appears a
cure for the flu, as deaths attributed to it fell off the chart.
This virus appears to be one that spreads like wildfire because it can be carried by unknowingly well persons, (possibly younger that the virus reacted mildly to an d not identified) but of those tested positive only less than 5% need hospitalization and only less than .02% die (That is 2 thenths of 1%). And those that do die, the odds are greatly advanced for persons over 70 with pre-existing heart/lung conditions.
From the CDC, the 2019/2020 Flu season reported 38,000,000 cases. But the
2020/2021 Flu season only reported 1,822. Does that tell you that we are
being duped, or has the virus miraculously cured the Flu?? More likely
most flu cases were simply, slid over and listed under virus cases (which were
reported daily) to scare/keep us under governmental control.
Early on, (before the total shutdown) firearm and ammo sales again took a major
jump as some were worried of a possible upcoming Great Depression II, that when
the food got low in the larger cities that people would seek out (or seemingly)
less protected rural areas and take what they wanted. Guess again Charlie.
There is one metropolitan city in Washington that is considering curtailing all firearm/ammo
sales AND the carrying of any lethal instrument, IF
being carried with the intent of committing harm (how easily can this be proved
or disproved?
Car break ins were
common a grocery parking lots for groceries, where a vehicle was parked after
not being able to get a complete grocery list, but left what was bought
from store number 1 while shopping at store number 2, but left them in plain
sight inside the vehicle. Vehicle theft, motorcycles and quads, even
travel trailers from locked storage compounds became not unusual for being
sales went up 50% (they remained open), Domestic Violence and Suicide also
increased (but the suicides were never reported as such). And since
the school kids were at home, they were also exposed to this, not a good
learning experience.
Open public
demonstrations were not uncommon, defying the stay at home rule.
IMHO, one of the main issues are, LACK OF COMMUNICATION, from the top down.
This virus is bad in the way it is spread, and little information and what was
(some misinformation) being spread by the news media. But it is not as bad
as they try to let on, as over 98% of the infected recover. Many people tried to
observe care when going out, but others seemed to NOT GIVE A SHIT. Add to
that our Governor issued his directive of ESSENTIAL vs Non-ESSENTIAL jobs that
seemed misguided, without taking into any account of the economic landslide that
he created. Along with him not being that popular, and his being KING, very few
really believed what he did say when questioned.
With the country's
restaurants being shut down, many farmers could not sell their product.
Milk had to be dumped, vegetable crops went rotting in the fields. Potato
growers associations donated many thousands of pounds of potatoes to anyone who
could come and get them, in preparation for storage for the upcoming production
storage. Fish farm operators were in a dilemma as their product was ready
to harvest, and food was costing too much to keep the trout. They
finally found a power company who operated a dam, that agreed to take the fish
as being planted in the reservoir, much to the delight of fishermen.
Meat packing plants shut down because of employees being tested
positive for the virus, which then put the cattle grower/stock yards in a bind
because of the bottleneck. And a shortage of meats to the public and with
increased prices was a
As things wore on, many county fairs and the state
fair were
canceled. All large non-profit fund raising events were stopped.
It became hard to know who/what to believe, even to the point
where was it possible for the Democrats to be pushing for this continued
shutdown, right up until just before the election, hoping to turn the country
against President Trump?
Another IMHO, that with minimal virus testing and no vaccine available, OR APROVED by FDC, how can this epidemic be effectively confined. Most of the people being contaminated and dying are from nursing/assisted living homes, but after 5 months there has not been any concentrated testing for those facilities. Now it is on the proposed list, with the idea that all will be tested and a contact army to do a follow up of all persons that were in contact for the last 14 days. With any positives to then be quarantined and those who refused to be tested to be reprimanded appropriately?? Kind of sounds like Martial Law.
Initially they (the government) listed the older generation as being more
susceptible to being effected. But later on, the younger college age were
added as being responsible for spreading this virus.
When comparing the US sanctuary
cities, to the virus hotspots, there is a direct comparison of a overlay map.
With this in mind, it seems that the tent cities under bridges or parks may have
had been the largest hit, but nothing is being validated as to that by the
government, or media, WHY.
People are running scared of the unknown. Initially they hoarded toilet paper, then as things began to get prolonged, they began building up supplies of cash, food, fuel, propane or anything they conceived that may become hard to get, even more guns and ammo. Many rural folk planted more gardens, began raising chickens, trying to make themselves more self reliant WHEN the undoubted economic downturn happens. The garden seed racks seem to not be able to be maintained in full supply. Canning supplied have dried up, no lids or rings being available until after the season was over.
Coins became scarce, as the small businesses were not in business where the
larger ones who used plastic money did not need the coins.
For a while the price of gasoline had dropped considerably and you will be surprised to
see how many 5 gallon cans are being filled. But after the election and Biden
got the president job, he shut down oil production, creating higher prices at
the pumps for gasoline, buying it from overseas. ???
When the governor finally reopened non-commercial construction on April
20th, it was only for already started projects. Initially he set criteria
for getting through this pandemic, then later he moves the goal posts, and
obviously being pressured by people smarter than him, BUT in reality he created
a situation where there were two classes (Essential and Non Essential) workers.
When law suits were filed against him by stepping outside his authority, he then
shifted to having the State Health Director make the decisions (for the welfare
of the populace) and the governor was just the messenger.
With some of the
re-openings, on Phase 2 being only partial, (like 50% capacity etc.) for
restaurants, the requirements were not guidelines, but directives that went so
far as requiring menus to be paper and disposable after one use. Yet you
had to wear a mask into the restaurant, but could take it off when you sat down
to eat, but after the meal, you had to recover the face if just talking, (kind
of like having a pissing section in a swimming pool).
If they are just making a living to start with, (like most service type businesses are) they would really be struggling at the reduced occupancy, and probably not even enough to cover the overhead. This is like the business owners are 2 year olds and can't think for themselves.
Then in September,
still with no vaccine available, with still a mandatory mask order when entering
businesses or mixing with outside close populations, many shelves were
considerably barer than before. And if there were some items, many of the
more well known brands were not on the shelves. And restocking took weeks
or months instead of days. Paper plates/bowls were one item that seemed
hard to keep on the shelves. Canned soup was another, and the suspicion was that
prior to this pandemic, lots of people ate out, but now, they had to change
their eating ways, and opening/heating a can of soup was easy for the person who
had a lack of even elementary culinary expertise. And of
course prices were higher.
The governor has created a situation where he wanted all
residents to stay home, mask up if they HAD to go out for groceries or other
needed trips. People do not know what or who to believe, (especially him)
what businesses may be open, or at what capacity. Many businesses have
been forced to shut down, (even some larger well known franchises) which may
never re-open again. Banks consolidate. Governmental personnel cuts have become the norm
because of lower collected taxes and increased taxes on those left (and need the
relief most) seem eminent.
Schools are the one
sector that has been effected the most, relying on attending online from home.
Some being allowed to begin reopening on restricted basis about November. Many non profit organizations have had to fold
up, or dramatically curtail their
operations because they could not rent out their buildings or have events, offer
breakfast fundraisers, or even hold lodge meetings. And the ZOOM type
meetings simply DO NOT WORK.
prices are HIGH and openings are scarce. Just look at all the housing that
is popping up and many are rented/leased even before being finished.
Property prices have skyrocketed, but it is cheaper than renting as
interest rates are still lower.
By early December of 2020 the virus had exploded (as predicted) and restaurants were again shut down. However numerous owners disobeyed orders and remained open for indoor dining, defying the government orders, (but obeying the masks, spacing and capacity requirements) but being fined over $2,000 a day. There became an open rebellion. These owners say they have taken more safety precautions than other businesses (Wal-Marts) and are being unfairly targeted.
It has gotten to where the public does not know what stores are really open or not, or at what capacity. Is this by design? And EVERYONE has to wear a mask when out in public. Stores have signs at the front door specifying NO ENTRY WITHOUT A MASK AND 6' SPACING REQUIRED. And if they don't enforce this directive, they can be fined. If these masks are so effective, why are there not sterile collection receptacles placed strategically around instead of them just being thrown away in parking lots?
As of January of 2021, the vaccine was starting to trickle into the system. Front line workers were the first to receive this vaccine, and then it will be dispersed down the line later. Starting at nursing / retirement facilities and then older persons. Then finally vaccine was dedicated for teachers so the schools could reopen.
Early March saw the whole state of Washington being opened up to Phase 2, meaning business could reopen but at only a 25% capacity. Some popular restaurants had more customers than allowed, so they would take your cell phone number and had you wait in your car before an opening came, where they called you to come in. Also most restaurants menu changed dramatically, in that with the lower number of customers, their food inventory had to change. Mostly hamburgers, fish and chips, pastas, salads etc. but no more steaks, prime rib, fish or the more expensive meaty items, apparently because of the lower demand, they could not advertise only to have to dispose of thawed out items later.
Retail prices have climbed considerably, one item for instance at Wal-Mart , a 24 pack of Pepsi before the virus sold for $7.49 -- on sale occasionally for $5.59, now it is never on sale, and the price is $8.95. And price of lumber is considerably higher, (like jumping from $8 a sheet of OSB two years ago to $60 now), but the timber owner is not seeing that much of an increase. Prices of RVs have increased dramatically, possibly because of the increased price of property or rent, and where owning (making lower payments) your own mobile home/office and/or working remotely is cheaper. And mobile RV parks now have a waiting list. Some have even expanded where possible.
Many retail stores shelves/showrooms are not well stocked as before. Many large ticket items are on backorder, like household appliances, firearms, ammo, boats, outboard boat motors, motorcycles RVs etc., even some groceries were hard to find. Some home building components dried up, partly stymying construction. And what supply was available was not the most popular brand. Most of this was because that with the virus cure being unknown, the dealer was hesitant in placing orders and the manufacturers adjusted their assembly lines accordingly. Therefore there was a trickle up effect all the way to the base product producer.
Then you now find that retailers or even wholesalers are not taking any backorders, as they have no idea when merchandise will be coming in. Automobile delivery has been cut down as the car manufacturers are waiting for computer chips, and the prices of used cars has risen 20%. Look at marine/boat dealers, not much inventory, same for motorcycle dealers, where there used to be a dozen machines parked along their sidewalk, now there is only 3, and their service depts. are flooded, (2 weeks out for repairs). And I had found that the pants that I wear are not available in any stores close by, so I have had to go online direct to the manufacturer. But now the size that I wear, only 2 of the 5 colors that I wanted are available.
The main reason for this can be attributed to the new (last few years) the Just In Time delivery system, meaning no warehousing of merchandise, but ordering it as needed. This worked OK if all the pipelines were operating at full capacity, but if there was just one weak link (like no steel available to make appliances with), it takes time to mine and smelt the steel and get it into usable condition and then transport it to the manufacturer. And at the same time housing was booming, and the demand for everything was way beyond strong. Houses were partly completed and just sitting because of one or two products were not available.
My daughter is building a new house and the appliances that they picked out and paid for from The Home Depot in November has risen in 6 months by $1,600.
Another neighbor who bought the property 4 years ago for $425,000, had it listed for $675,000 and just sold it for $700,000 CASH within a week of listing.
Prices of used merchandise soared and was snapped up soon after it was put up for sale, even at a elevated price.
Late in the game, one bank went back to drive through only, but it seems that they had a virus infection among staff. This shut down the facility for Covid cleaning, and apparently with staff now on mandatory quarantine, so they reopened with staff from a different branch, but only the drive through.
You are also seeing numerous small home based business pop up, because the new owner was laid off their old job. They were good at what they did and now on unemployment, by making a few extra bucks doing what they know how to do on their own makes sense. But for how long? You also see some small businesses merge with another of the same type, but in a nearby town, mainly as a cost saver of employee sharing. Some small businesses (of a type that could) went to part time and by appointment only.
Mid March saw more vaccine available, but by appointment only, which the slots filled within less than an hour after being announced. So unless you were active on the phone, or computer, you were always too late for a date/time. Then computer glitches were common, not allowing you to complete your registration. More frustration to the point, OK I will wait until the vaccine will become so commonly available that we can get it at a local clinic or pharmacy (which happened). LATE April, the vaccine was available at drive up stations with no registration needed.
BUT, even after you get a shot (or even the second one) this is not a Get Out Of Jail Free Card. You still have to wear the mask and do the spacing (to protect the populace). So you can say "I GOT THE SHOT".
Early April 2021, the whole state opened up to phase 3, meaning restaurants could go to 50% and the weather warmed up, people flocked to some of the better restaurants. Life was good, and from observation, the 50% rule was overlooked as all seats were filled, and with patrons waiting to be seated. And who is going to turn them in??? However as things opened up, the owners had a hard time hiring staff because they (staff) could make as much (or more) by staying home and drawing unemployment. This was not isolated to the restaurant industry, as you see HIRING signs in many places, but repeated often, meaning those that did get hired did not cut the mustard. And I have seen that quality of service has declined considerably in some instances, as the bottom of the workforce barrel is being scraped.
Mid April, 3 counties slid backwards as to virus cases and the governor moved them back to phase 2. The average age now is low 40s. Why? Are these people non believers, do not wear masks and socialize to the point that they are exposed more than the older generation.
April 29, Governor Jay Inslee said fully vaccinated people are going to get special treatment when it comes to sporting events, performing arts and cruises. The governor said he is alarmed by the softening in demand for the vaccines and worries the virus is going to outrun the effort to fight the pandemic. “It’s well known that we’ve had a slowdown in the demand for the vaccine,” Inslee said. “Now this is very concerning because now it is a terrible thing to think that we have vaccines to save people’s lives and not see it in people’s arms.” But those who claim to require them to be vaccinated is a violation of their rights. What about the rest of the population, these non-vaccinated people are usually carriers for the disease. What about the Small pox, Chicken pox, Measles, Mumps, OR Polio shots that most schools require the students have. These have saved many lives, but hardly anyone resists them anymore.
KOMO TV News asked, “Governor, you’re using cases and hospitalizations right now for your metrics. Is there any consideration of using vaccinations as one of the metrics and encourage counties to get vaccinated to be able to open up?” Inslee answered, “It is a possibility. We’ve given thought to this. I do think in the next several weeks you’ll see increasing policies by the state and other entities, colleges and cruise lines and everything else that will create more incentive for folks. So, that is a possibility going forward.” AGAIN, PASSING THE BUCK & MOVING THE GOALPOSTS.
Following Inslee’s announcement Thursday that most COVID-19 restrictions would be lifted by June 30, Republican leaders in the Legislature responded with a joint statement.
Senate Republican Leader John Braun, R-Centralia, and House Republican J.T. Wilcox, R-Yelm, said guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates restrictions should be lifted sooner. They said June 15 is a more reasonable deadline.
“The governor’s announcement today leaves the door open to reopening earlier than June 30, if the state reaches his vaccination target,” the lawmakers wrote. “Either way, we have concerns about what his new guidance will mean for hospitality establishments, grocery stores and other places where people congregate. After dictating for 439 days about what employers can and can’t do, the governor is now saying ‘you figure it out.’ Republicans have pressed relentlessly for that freedom all along. If all employers had already been able to set their own safety standards, whether it’s masks, or distancing — or now, vaccination status — there would be less uncertainty and less chance that frontline workers would be put in difficult situations. The governor made it clear he sees no connection between lifting economic restrictions and ending the state of emergency. We disagree. It’s time to give the authority back to local governments and trust them to act responsibly.”
Inslee also announced that all Washington counties will move into Phase 3 of his reopening plan while easing up the state’s mask mandate.
In reference to the above, he announced that things are going so well that by the end of June, he will removal all restrictions. But, there seems to always be a catch, no masks and 100% capacity, unless the business owner requires it. I can see a staggering inequity here and a lot of potential confusion, as hospitals will probably still not allow visitors. In his proposal, preference for fully vaccinated persons like sporting events, BUT WHO IS GOING TO BE THE ENFORCEMENT? Are we going to have to carry a card, or a green sticker on our forehead? And the honor system would be unfair as those staunch non-believers would not be honest. Under these rules, if I as a man can identify as a woman, then I should also be able to identify as vaccinated. Maybe the government will have us have a tattoo of the number on your arm like in Germany 1940ish. ???
Also now the word is that you will probably have to have a refresher virus shot every year (to keep ahead of all the new strains that are popping up). We told you so, it appears that we are the test guinea pigs here.
I am really worried that what will our "New Normal " be when this is over? Are we being conditioned for something glorious to come later?? I see the Federal/State offices staying, or forcing you to go online only, (or "By Appointment Only". And way more businesses staying/becoming a "Drive Through". Many small business owners will be hurting as NOW many of the population are conditioned to buying online and having it delivered in 2 days.
Have you been in a Goodwill store lately? Before it seemed to me that many were women shopping for Yard Sale items, not necessarily anymore. My wife drug me into one last week, and I saw many shoppers, (and considerably more men) looking at clothes.
Just a reminder.. a genuinely deadly pandemic doesn't require 24/7 advertising to remind you it exists. Real pandemics don't need marketing campaigns and endless propaganda.. BUT psychological operations DO.
Then numerous even large retail stores had closed their restroom facilities in sake of public safety???
And now at Wal-Mart, if you see a small check-out station (like automotive or sporting goods) closed, they used to have a small bell to ring for service if that station was not being manned. Now take a CLOOSE LOOK at the CREDIT CARD READER as they will now have on it a rotating notice (in small letters) stating "For an attendant press this screen". However do not expect any kind of rapid service, makes one wonder where the notification goes to after you push the button???
The news reported that unemployment went up, and with the construction trade being one of the largest in this category. Why? Probably because of the shortage of materials, appliances, windows, plastic siding etc. because of the trickle up effect of dealers/distributors not ordering merchandise, which means the manufactures also curtailed orders from their suppliers of raw materials and the whole industry lost at least six months. Montana is cancelling unemployment because of a workforce shortage. Now isn't that a novel Republican idea
Lumber Price comparision over one year |
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Then about the end of August and into October, businesses were having problems hiring staff, restaurants, hardware stores, pharmacies, truck drivers, you name it, as it seems that people can make more money staying home on unemployment than working. The mentality seems to have changed dramatically. Some businesses even shut down because of this. About everywhere you look, you could see signs saying HIRING HERE NOW. Some even were offering a sign on bonus, which was a slap in the face to those employees who had went to work every day.
The governor extended the monitory on
rental evictions until the end of October. This really has hurt
those business owners who were the owners of the rentals.
Then when a spike in the virus hit again, masks were again required and he even
issued an order that all State Employees who had possible contact with the
public, HAD to have been fully vaccinated by October 18th or be let go of
employment. Lots of protest, but many did get the shots, others were
let go or forced into early retirement. Law suits were filled against the
At this time, numerous deaths were recorded
from those who had even been vaccinated.
After the 2020 election, there was a DRAMATIC reduction of firearms, ammo and reloading supplies available to the public. MASS buying it appears along with shortages of most products on the shelves. A gun rack where you normally saw 100 firearms, now is down to 25 and with very little selection.
Ammo and reloading shelves were BARE as seen in the photos below taken at Cabelas in early/mid March 2021 (a year after the start of Covid19). What is left on the shelves are the not so popular or expensive, and little demand products.
If you can find anything that that you may need that can be used in your guns, buy it at what ever price it is marked, (and there are scalpers) as it may not be there tomorrow, or even an hour later. All reloading products are scarce, with powder tripling in price and primers not available as production is going into factory ammo.
Cabelas reloading shelves | Cabelas ammo & reloading shelves |
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Gun shows were non-existent, and when they did come back, how many of you had second thoughts about attending as how secure were you because of the virus?? You had the virus shot, but you waited a year, and why take the chance of exposure now? Yes, attendance was up--way up.
One thing about this virus, is that it cured the flu. On TV in late March, they announced that there was not a flu death in the preceding 6 months. WOW, but why? Because all the deaths including the flu that die in a hospital are being counted as Covid19 deaths. This means CDC's virus numbers are askewer badly, and they report the deaths daily, to push their agenda. Why not tell us the truth??
To be effective on August 23, 2021, the Governor reinstated the face covering if indoors, or where a gathering of people could be expected. And then later proclaimed that all State workers will have to be vaccinated, or they will be terminated of their employment. The Washington State Employees Union has filed a lawsuit.
can start on schedule, but with face coverings.
As of 2013, from some of the information I have seen, this collapse in the US could initially come in the form of riots and the President will call in Department of Homeland Security which will be operating under his newly agreed to United Nations guidelines. How many of you know that DHS ordered 450 MILLION rounds of 40 S&W HP pistol ammo, and 175 MILLION rounds of 223 rifle ammo in March of 2012. Word is that they are gearing up for a US civil war. Then in late summer of 2012, DHS requested 7,000 M16 selective fire 5.56 caliber rifles equipped with 30 round magazines and another 200,000 rounds of ammo. Then in February 2013 they issued another order for 21.6 Million rounds more.
Also information is that there over 800 detention camps in the United States, many of these are fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. Some are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are actually military bases which can be closed down and to be turned into detention centers and will be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general’s signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached. Ask yourself if you really want to be on Ashcroft’s list.
Presidential Executive Orders associated with FEMA that would suspend the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Some of these Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:... However Obama has had more written during his terms in office than all the other US Presidents combined.
And if just a economic collapse does happen, you will usually be staying in your home as long as possible in this case. If the Presidential signature is placed on the Obama Executive Orders that are on the books now, well the populace will be taken care of by other means.
China holds a trillion dollar note from the US, Russia is trying to buy enough gold to make their ruble gold backed which would make the US paper money virtually worthless.
LOCK AND LOAD BABY. Don’t start the fight, but be ready to defend what is yours when the time comes. However the best defense is a good offense. A Navy seal tactic, “when in doubt, attack, attack, attack” waiting for a superiorly equipped force to attack you first is called suicide. So where does that put the average law abiding citizen?? And who is really your opponent? That is the $100,000 question.
You can usually see this type of disaster coming if you keep your head out of the sand. When this begins to take shape, get rid of as many of your expenses as possible, like trade you newer car that you still owe much for, in onto a older cheaper, but yet sound vehicle. Start stocking up on food. You will need to prepare for a whole different world than you know now. Suggestions would be bulk rice, oats, wheat, beans, sugar, and flour. Canned meats like Spam, tuna, chicken, pork, beef and Rice-A-Roni would be good to have. Being able to survive this will be a bit more challenging than camping out for a few days until the flood waters recede. It is suggested that you make a list and re-evaluate it many times.
The more dedicated survivalists will usually be preparing for an economic collapse, which will take the longest time to recover from. There can be good things to be said about preparing for this especially with the current economic downturn on our backs, but I caution you to consider your own situation, evaluate it, do some preparation but do not get hurriedly carried away. Try to come up with a plan that will work for you. If you have enough land, consider a small garden, (even a small greenhouse) a milk goat (not a cow because of the extensive need for it's food), and also a few chickens etc.
Do not be a victim of a hoodlum on a street or anywhere. One of the best ways to avoid a confrontation is to project an image of strength. Use the "whole awareness" approach to such situations---head up, shoulders back, confident full stride in your step, hands free, ears void of any obstructions and, YES, eyes ahead but scanning your environment as much as possible. Direct contact with another's eyes should be limited in time to allow for assessing the situation/person but no longer. A prolonged, unnecessary "stare down" in some "peoples" mind is indeed a direct personal challenge and known open invitation to a conflict. Be aware, be defensive, but don't be stupid.
For those of you who may want to investigate this, CLICK HERE for a link to a very informational survival website. This is a comprehensive website that even though you may not now be a died in the wool survivalist, it will open your eyes as to possible situations that you may encounter.
Do not go deep into debt to get ready for this situation. You can be frugal and yet have assembled a well laid out plan. Put together a list of necessities, then a sub wish list. These could change at any point in time with updated evaluations.
History & a Look Into the Future ; Now take a look back 60 years ago, the majority of the US population (75%) had ties to a farm community in one way or the other and the US supplied over 80% of it's own food. Today, 2013 farming has changed, most of the little farms have disappeared and the ties to the farming community has shrunk to less than 4%. Sure we export a lot of food, but we also import a lot. What about this BS of ethanol fuel which the farmers raise subsidized corn to blend into the gasoline to make E10. It has been proven that the costs to produce one gallon of ethanol is greater than it sells for. Just how much of this cropland could be used to raise FOOD for us instead of contaminating the gasoline? The prediction is our food supply will dwindle, prices will raise, AND our unemployment surely has not shown much signs of improving. How many of the unemployed have given up looking for a job? It looks very much like there may be a total economic collapse.
Consider what retired Lt. General and former CIA official William Boykin had to say in a 2012 interview: "I'll be very honest with you. The situation in America could be such that martial law is actually warranted, and that situation in my view could occur if we had an economic collapse... The dam is just about to break on our economy, and I think when it does, there’s going to be a major disruption of the distribution of food. And I think what you’ll see particularly in the inner cities is riots, civil unrest that ultimately might justify Martial Law."
If the above is correct, riots will become common. Now, of those riots seen on the evening news a few years ago covering the "Occupy Wallstreet" protest, it seems to me that someone has to be behind them, supplying the logistic planning, transportation, signage, even food or money. WHO, WHY? Again the prediction will be rioting and the President will declare Martial Law, then call in DHS (not the National Guard as these are home-town boys). The US President, (Obama) may also declare the country is in such a state of affairs that by executive order, he will suspend all elections so he can stabilize this mess. Again WHO IS BEHIND IT? It has become pretty clear after the 2006 election, that George Soros has his finger in these disturbances, and more-so for the 2020 elections.
There very well could be a civil war, but who would the populace be fighting? How does a commoner with a hunting rifle or even a AR-15 stand a chance against fully armed, body armored, night vision equipped, helicopter backup, trained SWAT teams? Does history repeat itself? Kind of sounds like the era of Adolf Hitler prior to WWII. You might consider reading "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich".
Gun control will be on us big time. For those who do not remember, or were taught in school about Adolf Hitler and Nazism. Prior to 1939, Germany passed gun ownership laws but with protection that they would not be registered in a data bank. Then later when Adolf took over, that restriction was removed and the Gestapo would come to the homes of those who were not friendly to the cause and who had firearms registered, and confiscate them. If the owner said he did not have them, either lost or otherwise, a pistol was pulled and one of the children was murdered in front of the parents. Again the question would be asked while the pistol was pointed at another child. Then mom, (being a mom) would immediately reveal the guns whereabouts. Don't think this could not happen again!
Louisiana's then governor Kathleen Blanco said
"They have M16s and are locked and loaded. These troops know how to shoot
and kill, and I expect they will." This was in response to the
sickening bloodshed that filled the streets of New Orleans in the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina. The troops were ordered to fire on civilians to keep
people "under control." This included anyone and everyone who refused to be
shipped off to the FEMA camps... That sounds more like something you
would hear on the front-lines of Afghanistan or Iraq... not in your own
During Katrina, the DSHS and the police confiscated civilians
firearms, (for the protection of the populace). No receipts were given
(the answer was they (law enforcement) did not have the time to do it as
collection was more important. And most of these were never returned.
After the tragic Sandy Hook school shootings, the US president Obama and other highly influential members of our elected congress, will use this shooting to do everything in their power to eliminate "Assault Firearms" from this deranged society. They have an agenda and many others are not alone in opposite thoughts "Free men own guns, Slaves Don't" or "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" or "If guns kill people, then pencils misspell words, cars make people drive drunk and spoons make Rosie O'Donnell fat".
There are already federal laws on the books that restrict sale of firearms to illegal purchasers. I would not be surprised IF the pro gun organizations manage to block a far reaching anti-gun bill in the upcoming congress, then to see a Presidential Order bypassing congress on this issue by giving a Presidential Executive Order.
After the 2020 election, president Biden has declared war on the gun industry and gun owners in general. Is there any coalition between those recent mass shootings and the Democrats controlling Congress??
Miscellaneous ; It would be a necessity to have an axe or bow saw (preferably both) available. If you have the room, a small chain saw that may be a lifesaver. Of course if you go for the chain saw, you will need fuel, or the oil to mix with gasoline, bar oil, a chain file, combo spark plug/chain tightening tool, extra chain and a spare starter rope.
A trail camera that hunters use to observe
game could be useful if you get in a situation where you can not be on guard all
the time. Even night vision binoculars would be something to be considered.
A deck of cards may even help pass the time could save your sanity.
Have some darker colored 3/8" Nylon rope in 50' to 100' lengths. A couple of 50'
or 100' parachute cords (military OD color) may be useful. One good thing
about parachute cord is that it is made up of 7 smaller internal cords that run
lengthwise. These can be removed and used for smaller repairs like
sewing/patching clothes or even fishing line. The reason for
the dark color is that you may have to use them for snares or as a perimeter
boundary fence with noise making ability (tin cans tied to it with rocks inside)
at night.
At LEAST one folding hunting type knife per person would seem to be
a necessity. Then a couple of sharpening stones sure would not hurt. A Leatherman type multi-purpose tool could also be invaluable
for each member of the family.
Plus a toolbox filled with normal mechanic's hand tools. A few ratchet
straps and Bungee
cords could come in very handy. Duct tape can fix many things, even act
as band aids, but it can not fix stupid.
Emergency tire repair kits
and a road map of your state or adjacent states may be helpful.
A set of binoculars may well be beneficial also.
A few salt blocks on hand and kept airtight until needed (to keep them from absorbing water) could prove important if you lived in a rural area which could be used to attract wild game, or preserving food.
You may even consider a small portable Oxygen/Acetylene torch/welding outfit. You may need to be self-sufficient in more ways than one.
This list could go on
and on if you want to
play the "What Ifs" game
and they could all be viable
and worthwhile under the
circumstances. However this preparedness game can get out of hand,
depending on your finances, location
experiences. For those of you who are a "City Slicker" with no outdoor
experience other than a occasional backyard propane barbeque, your learning curve WILL
BE VERY STEEP and your nose may become very
flat because of that brick wall you ran into before you even begin (if ever) to learn even the basics.
Again consider co-opping with neighbors to do brainstorming for a What If list.
Maybe others have different needs
and ideas that can be beneficial
to all.
Normally you will not know how long of an ordeal you will be up against or to the extent it will play out to. BE PREPARED. Ask around and listen to people who have went thru natural disasters like floods or wild fires. Do some research on the internet of possible past economic collapses. Think and rethink out potential circumstances and revise your plan accordingly.
I do not consider myself a survivalist, however I believe that I could come thru most circumstances quite well. I am 84 years old (2020), in fairly good health (if you discount COPD), (my wife's health was not good however and I was her caregiver, (but she passed away in late 2018). I remarried in late 2020 to a longtime friend, but my current wife has non operable heart problems, caused by chemotherapy she received during a bout of cancer, so back to a somewhat caregiver.
I have worked in the timber industry in my younger years. Have been a maintenance mechanic/machinist/welder/gunsmith all my adult life. And still have a pretty well stocked machine shop. We have raised horses, beef cattle, sheep, rabbits and chickens. I have hunted and fished all my life, have a well outfitted 19' Class "B" RV van, a 12'aluminum open boat and a 18' aluminum convertible topped one. I also own a 3500 watt portable generator that will run my well pump, plus power the deep freezes and refrigerator or the house if we are conservative, and use the wood stove (and stockpiled wood) for our heat. And I also just acquired a smaller very portable used 1850 watt Coleman generator that starts like a dream and has enough to power my, or neighbor's refrigerator or freezer just fine.
I have lived thru numerous major earthquakes, a volcano eruption, numerous BAD windstorms plus a number record breaking floods and a few financial downturns. My parents lived thru the Great Depression, lived on a small farm only a few miles from my current residence, and they passed valuable homegrown wisdom down to us 5 kids.
I live in a somewhat
rural area, but with neighbors and on a main connecting highway, with the
closest mid sized town about 7 miles away. The local PUD substation is less than a
mile away, so if there is an outage, we get power before most others. Here approximately 1/4 of
the residents own enough property to raise a few chickens, an animal or two, or at least a garden. We live on the base of a hill that is about 40' above the highest flood recorded
here. If another major flood happens, most of the roads to the
freeway or to towns will be flooded, (however the low spots are now known to the
locals) and by traveling on the
higher ground "hills" for a few
days until the water recedes, we can get out if needed. This hill protects us from the major wind
storms. As mentioned we have our own water well. These being the
case, I think we live in a pretty secure location as for natural emergencies.
God's Country.
The downside is that I do live right on a main highway,
where my place could be targeted. I have no animals anymore and we keep
the property pretty well cleaned up. The cars are parked inside the
garage, so many people do not know if we are home or not. The driveway
comes right beside the house, so anyone trying to sneak in unknown would have
trouble, however just in case, I am considering adding a wireless motion
detector at the outer/highway end of my driveway.
Some very smart people say that good judgment comes from experience, which can in turn usually come from bad judgment. Good judgment can also come from observing actions of others and adding that to your memory bank, which I hope I may have somewhat accomplished with this article for you. If nothing else, hopefully this article may have gotten you to thinking.
For a link to my Wilderness Survival article, CLICK HERE, where I go into more detail in how to build a fire and purify water.
Copyright © 2008 - 2021 LeeRoy Wisner All Rights Reserved
Back to the Main Ramblings Page
11-09-2008, Last updated 10-05-2021
Contact the author
Do you know who Juval Aviv is?
He was Golda Meir's bodyguard and the Israeli Agent upon whom
the movie ' Munich '
was based. Golda Meir appointed him
to track down and bring to justice the Palestinian terrorists who took the
Israeli athletes hostage and killed them during the Munich Olympic Games.
In a lecture in New
York City a few weeks
ago, Aviv shared information that EVERY American needs to know, but that our
government has not yet shared with us.
A little background: Aviv
predicted the London subway
bombing on the Bill O'Reilly show on Fox News, stating publicly that it would
happen within a week. At the time,
O'Reilly laughed and mocked him, saying that in a week he wanted Aviv back on
the show. Unfortunately, within a week the terrorist attack had occurred. Juval Aviv also gave intelligence to the Bush Administration
about 9/11 a month before it occurred.
His report specifically said that they would use planes as bombs and
target high profile buildings and monuments... I think we all know what
happened, right? Congress has
since hired him as a security consultant.
Aviv predicts that the next
terrorist attack on the U.S. will
occur within the next few months.
Forget hijacking airplanes, because he says terrorists will NEVER try hijacking
a plane again as they know the people on board will never go down quietly again.
Aviv says that our airport security is a joke – that we have been
reactionary rather than proactive in developing strategies that are truly
effective. For example, because an
idiot tried to light his shoe on fire, now everyone has to take off their shoes.
Example 2: a group of idiots tried to bring aboard liquid explosives, and
now we can't bring liquids on board.
He says he's waiting for some suicidal maniac to pour liquid explosive on
his underwear; government security will then have us all traveling naked!
Last but not least, our airport security looks for metal, but the new
explosives are made of plastic!
Currently, our government only focuses on
security when people are heading to the gates.
Aviv says that if a terrorist attack targets airports in the future, they
will target busy times on the front end of the airport when/where people are
checking in. For example, it would
be easy for someone to take two suitcases of explosives, walk up to a busy
check-in line, ask a person next to them to watch their bags for a minute while
they run to the restroom, and then detonate the bags BEFORE security even gets
involved. In Israel ,
security checks bags BEFORE people can even ENTER the airport.
Aviv says
the next terrorist attack here in America is imminent and will involve suicide
bombers and non-suicide bombers in places where large groups of people
congregate, such as Disneyland, Las Vegas casinos, shopping malls, subways in
rush hour, train stations, etc., as well as in rural America this time (Wyoming,
Montana, etc.). The attack will be
characterized by simultaneous detonations around the country involving at least
5-8 cities, including rural areas. Aviv says terrorists won't need to use suicide bombers in
many of the larger cities, because at places like the MGM Grand in Las
Vegas , they can
simply valet park a car loaded with explosives and walk away.
Aviv says
all of the above is well known in intelligence circles, but that our U.S.
Government does not want to 'alarm American citizens' with the facts.
The world, however, is soon going to become 'a different place', Aviv
says, where issues like 'global warming' and political correctness will have
become totally irrelevant.
On an encouraging note, Aviv says that
Americans don't have to be concerned about being nuked.
He says the terrorists who want to destroy America will
not use sophisticated weapons.
Instead, they like to use suicide, as it's cheap, it's easy, and it's effective
– and they have an infinite abundance of young, ignorant, fanatic militants more
than willing to 'go see Allah'.
Aviv also says the next level of
terrorists over which America should
be most concerned will not be coming from abroad.
They will instead be 'home grown' – meaning they will have attended and
been educated in our own schools and universities right here in the U.S.
These young
terrorists will be most dangerous because they will know our language and will
fully understand the habits of Americans; but that we Americans won't
know/understand a thing about them.
So, what can America do
to protect itself? From an
intelligence perspective, Aviv says the U.S. needs
to stop relying on satellites and technology for its intelligence. Instead, we
need to follow Israel 's, Ireland 's
and England 's
hands-on examples of human intelligence, both from an infiltration perspective
as well as to trust 'aware' citizens to help.
We need to engage and educate ourselves as citizens; however, our U.S.
Government continues to treat us, its citizens, 'like babies'. Our government thinks we can't handle the truth' and are
concerned that we'll panic if we understand the realities of terrorism.
Aviv says this is a deadly mistake.
Aviv recently created/executed
a security test for Congress by placing an empty briefcase in five well-traveled
spots in five major cities. The
results? Not one person called 911 or sought a policeman to check it
out. In fact, in Chicago ,
someone tried to steal the briefcase!
In comparison, Aviv says that
citizens of Israel are
so well 'trained' that an unattended bag or package would be reported in seconds
by citizen(s) who know to publicly shout, 'Unattended Bag!'
The area would be quickly & calmly cleared by the citizens themselves.
But, unfortunately, America hasn't
been 'hurt enough' yet by terrorism for their government to fully understand the
need to educate its citizens or for the government to understand that it's the
citizens who are, inevitably, the best first-line of defense against terrorism.
Aviv also was concerned about the high number of children who were in
preschool and kindergarten after 9/11, children who were basically 'lost'
without parents being able to pick them up, and schools that had no plan in
place to best care for the students until their parents could get there. (In New
York City , in some
cases this was days!) He stresses
the importance of
having a plan that's agreed upon within your family, to respond to in the event
of a terrorist emergency.
He urges parents to contact their children's schools and demand that the
schools, too, develop plans of actions, as they do in Israel .
He says we should all have a plan that is easy enough for even our
youngest children to remember and follow.
Does your family know what to
do if you can't contact one another by phone?
Where would you gather in an emergency?
Aviv says that the U.S. Government has in force a plan that, in the event
of another terrorist attack, will immediately cut-off EVERYONE's ability to use
cell phones, as this is the preferred communication source used by terrorists
and is often the way that their bombs are detonated.
How will you communicate with your loved ones in the event you cannot use
phones, internet? Bottom line, you
need to have a plan!
If you believe what you have just read, then you
must feel compelled to send it to every concerned parent or guardian,
grandparents, uncles, aunts, whatever and whomever.
Nothing will happen if you choose not to do so, but in the event it does
happen, I promise this particular email will haunt you -- "I
should have sent this to...", but I didn't believe it and just deleted it as so
much trash.