This ramblings
site went online 01-04-2012
& Other Info
"There were lots of people who committed crimes during the year who
would not have done so if they had been FISHING,
and I assure you
that the increase in crime is due to a lack of those qualities of mind
and character which impregnate
the soul of every fisherman
except those who get no bites." - Herbert Hoover 1930
Here is some reader's comments.
Your writing is very good.
It's rare to find technical articles where the author both understands the
subject and can write clearly.
And another
I thoroughly enjoy your web site. Your articles are very well written with a
slight hint of busted knuckles and wisdom gained from hard knocks.
LeeRoy's Profile
Most all articles here are Copyright 1994 to 2025 by LeeRoy Wisner All Rights Reserved
on those articles because
I have no problem if you print them off for your own personal use, but I really
am not fond of the idea of you making money or
generating your web traffic off my efforts without even
giving me credit, OR
making a meaningful monetary contribution.
And if I do give you permission to use any, I would rescind it if you
deleted my photos, then add your own, promoting YOUR guide service
or business, as I have spent countless hundreds if not thousands of hours assembling & updating these articles.
but was hosted under other domain names for
20 years prior
This Index Page Last Updated 11-13-2023 - new host 01-29-25