OMC Fuel Ratio
Controversy 1985-1988 |
Typically most 2 cycle outboard motors made after about 1970 will use a recommended fuel to oil ratio of 50-1 (13 ounces of oil to 5 gallons of fuel). This year distinction varies with manufacturer. The reason is on the style of the internal bearings being used in the motor. The older smaller motors may have used only bronze bushings/bearings, which required better lubrication than the newer needle style roller bearings.
The issue is with the richer oil (lower ratio), the motor usually can not effectively burn all that oil and will smoke a lot, even leave a oily film on the water behind it. And if used mostly for fishing, where trolling for long periods of time, will eventually foul the spark plugs, making the motor eventually die. For many years fishermen always carried a small tool box with wrenches and spare spark plugs.
Currently, and for a number of years, outboard motor oils (if in quart plastic bottles) will have a clear strip on one side of the bottle that gives markings as to how much oil is left (in ounces). The quart is 16 oz. This gives the operator a pretty precise amount of oil to be mixed into a known fuel can/tank.
Gallons of Gasoline |
Gasoline to Oil Ratio |
Ounces of Oil to be Added |
16:1 | 24:1 | 32:1 | 50:1 | 100:1 | |
1 | 8 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
2 | 16 | 11 | 8 | 5 | 3 |
3 | 24 | 16 | 12 | 8 | 4 |
4 | 32 | 21 | 16 | 11 | 6 |
5 | 40 | 27 | 20 | 13 | 7 |
6 | 48 | 32 | 24 | 16 | 8 |
But from 1985 to 1988, in an apparent effort to create a more environmentally
friendly atmosphere for boaters, OMC actually recommended a 100:1 mix, this was written on
a decal placed on motors of these years.
Observed on one 1986 6hp, 1985 9.9hp and the 1988
Evinrude 15hp, there was a decal sticker on the powerhead cover next to the fuel
line connection which shows cartoon icons of a fuel pump, and oil drop, showing
a ratio of 100:1 for the fuel to oil ratio
(as seen in the header photo).
Apparently this effort created some problems with some motor users (probably higher HP
than what we are referring to here) so OMC issued a Technical Bulletin
#2162 dated March 1986, for the mechanics to remove the 100:1 decal, replace it
with a new 50:1 decal and inform the owner of the consequences, when the motor was serviced in an
OMC repair shop. This was recommended for rental, commercial and heavy
duty service engines.
The factory apparently did replace some damaged power-heads because of this.
Apparently some motors, under the right (or wrong) conditions , if ran at a high
RPM or under a load for extended periods of time, may seize up due to lack of
adequate internal lubrication. There was another bulletin sent out in
September of 1988 that kind of soft pedals around the issue, for a link to this
bulletin #2211
Back when OMC re-introduced their 50:1 ratio of oil, an old time marine mechanic
was told by factory engineers that their motors would survive on 100:1 but they
couldn't trust people to measure the proper amount of gas/ratio accurately or control
what kind OR the amount of oil they used. So they reverted back to
50:1 ratio as a safe haven.
The 100:1 was sufficient lubrication for most motors while running.
The bulletin had nothing to do with lubrication while running and everything to
do with storage of the motor (again legal talk so to not get involved in a
major recall).
So reverting back to the 50:1 gave boaters a margin of safety in
case of a lean carburetor on a multi carburetor motor or an overheat and it can
still protect the clean internal parts while not used for a few months in a
climate that can create internal sweating. It appears that the
manufacturer's lawyers were very careful to not create the situation where a
possible class action lawsuit could not be presented, so they emphasized the
storage internal lubrication theory where the average boater could not dispute
Any lack of the proper oil ratio could very well be due to those larger boats that had internal fuel tanks where upon refilling, the owner may not have been accurately mixing the oil in a ratio to the fuel added. The oil should be added to the tank before the fuel is added to ensure adequate mixing of the oil. But on these built in larger tanks and an unknown amount of fuel needed prior to refueling it is very hard to be consistent from each refueling to another. And I seriously doubt that the majority of the fuel gauges on boats really read right, or that the owners even know the tank capacity to start with.
The proper way to mix is to pour the oil in first, then the fuel, which gives
you a more complete mix as compared to just adding the oil after you top off
your tank. Therefore in those cases, the only real
way to be sure is to use 5 or 6 gallon cans and add the right amount of oil before
you add the gasoline, then transfer into the boat's tank.
This management/public embarrassment is probably what
led to the development of the newer oil injection directly into the larger
motors. Some were called VRO (Variable Ratio Oil injection), meaning depending
on the RPM of the motor, the ratio of oil being injected into the motor was at a
different rate, (likely 100-1 for slow speed and 50-1 at high speed)
On the smaller hp motors that we are dealing with here
that use portable fuel tanks, it is recommended that you can use a wooden dowel
marked off in gallons by adding 1 gallon at a time to the tank, then marking the
dowel at that level, therefore you can accurately measure and can add the proper
amount of oil to what fuel you add, there is usually no problem.
Now with the TWC-3 outboard oils, the lubrication is
way better than with the oils available even in 1988. The OMC factory
engineering/service department has researched and said that the AVERAGE outboard will be used
only about 15 hours a year according to one of their studies. However
there is documented usage of a 1988 6 hp Johnson purchased new and being used a
estimated total of 1200 -1700 hours of trolling time using 100:1 mix. He
uses his 70 hp as a go to motor, then the 6 hp for trolling and this 6 hp was
still running fine in 2010.
The reason for mixing oil into the gasoline is that since these engines are 2
cycle, (sometimes called 2 stroke) there needs to be oil mixed into the gas to
lubricate the internal parts (piston, crankshaft and bearings) of the engine, as
there is no crankcase oil reservoir or oil pump as in the 4 stoke engines.
Less oil than recommended in the fuel makes the engine run leaner and warmer (less power, causes detonation, overheating, but more important, could cause the motor to get so hot (under extended conditions) that it could seize the piston inside the cylinder walls). More oil makes the engine run rich and fowls plugs (less power also), but forms carbon deposits and friction can increase caused by the carbon builds up, so more heat is also made. Therefore a happy medium needs to be achieved.
That is where the VRO
or Gray Oil Coming Out of Upper Exhaust Vent &/or Lower Unit Holes :
Many motors are basically used as a secondary motor, and usually then
as a trolling motor, which are ran for considerable length of time at a lower RPM.
The fuel oil mixture ratio of 50-1 is probably too rich for this type of usage. The black oil that seeps
out of the motor is just unburned oil from the gas mixture. The black
color is coming from the carbon created during the pistons firing situation
and is accumulated unburned inside the exhaust housing. When the motor
sets for a while the excess unburned oil
in the fuel is mixing with and softening up the carbon, creating the black oozing
oil. You can reduce the amount somewhat by properly adjusting the
carburetor idle jet to it's leanest position, also where the motor runs best at an idle.
This black or gray oozing oil could be also because of a stuck open thermostat which would not allow the
motor to warm up. However thermostats that get stuck usually do it in the
closed position, so a bad thermostat is usually not the cause of this condition.
it could be a 6 gallon tank that the fuel line is still attached to the motor
during storage while the outside ambient temperature is high enough to expand the fuel inside the tank
to where the gas is forced into the carburetor and IF the needle valve is
leaking, it will force fuel into the engine and out the exhaust which mixes with the exhaust carbon,
leaches out as BLACK oil out the prop's exhaust.
you are getting a thick creamy gray oil oozing out the prop hub, it is
essentially the same as above except the inside of the housing may have less
carbon build up, therefore the color will be lighter.
It is the same thing as
described above, but possibly from a new or rebuilt motor that may not have been run much for some time
and there is not a lot of carbon inside the exhaust housing.
If there is minimal carbon built up from previous
runnings, the oil will
be the thick creamy light gray color that has a lot of water mixed in it. On
the 9.9/15 hp, this
could also be caused by the converging ring (#332395) is missing on the prop.
This plastic ring facilitates a suction from the outside of the prop when the
motor is running at a slow speed to help suck more of the exhaust gasses away
from the "thru the prop exhaust" when idling in neutral or running slow.
Here black oil is running out of the upper exhaust vent of a 1992 9.9hp after the motor was used for trolling using a 75-1 ratio semi-synthetic & then sat for 3 months | Here a creamy colored oil is exiting the motor's exhaust housing. This is basically the same concept as the black oil except probably in a cleaner motor, BUT notice the converging ring missing on this prop allowing a oil build up inside the housing |
![]() |
This oil
seepage may not be evident until a day or even a week after usage, then will
seep out up to a couple of months later. Most repair shops just recommend
that for most boaters to then simply
live with the idea that you may have to wipe it down after each usage.
You could also see this oil seeping out of the front lower unit water drain hole.
is observed that if these motors are used on a smaller boat as the only
propulsion, and act as a "get there" motor and also as a trolling
motor, this black residue is considerably less to almost non-existent because
the motor gets hotter because of the faster RPM, where the motor has a chance to
warm up, thereby "burning" some of this excess oil.
Also if the
engine was winterized with fogging oil then you would expect to see oil coming
out of the exhaust because this would soften any carbony buildup in the exhaust
system. If it smells like gas = unburnt 2 stroke oil.
However if it smells of rotten eggs = Lower unit oil.
This dripping oil many times may be confused with the lower unit oil leaking because of the color and location of the oil coming out. Another reason as to this also happening is as explained above under the Converging Ring on the prop, is if this ring is missing it can hurt by not creating enough suction to pull the oily residue out of the exhaust housing at low speeds.
Akin to the above situation, where spark plugs have continually become fouled, I have been experimenting with using 2 gas tanks
for the last eight years (2009) now
and for me, I am happy with the idea. One, a 3 gal. tank, mixed at
100-1 with full synthetic oil and it is used
other is the 12 gal. main 50-1 tank also used for my 70hp outboard jet on the
same boat.
Again, I am using the 100-1 synthetic only
for trolling with the 9.9.
If and when I need to run with this 9.9
motor faster, I simply switch to the larger 50-1 tank. However the winter of 2007/2008 in an emergency flooding situation, where
I was rescuing a lady and her son who were stranded in her house with the water was
still coming up fast, my main 70 hp jet water intake had become plugged with
floating grass or hay, making it useless. It was getting dark and we
were caught
is a strong very swift current pushing me broadside to a fence, I did not have time to change the fuel tanks as
I was broadside to the current, with the 9.9 then my only source of power then.
I ran this motor at full throttle during the last
half of this rescue
mission for probably 20 minutes before I got to dry ground and offloaded the
passengers. As of 2013, I am still using this motor with no apparent
harm. But I was using the
got the above idea from the newer VRO oil injection motors. This
VRO abbreviation stands for Variable Ratio Oil injection. The
larger motors using it (not the 9.9 or 15hp however) electronically sense the different RPMs
then automatically adjusted the
oil injected ratio. They put out a 50-1 ratio at high speed and a
100-1 at slow speeds. Recently the motor manufacturers have gotten away
from this VRO system and went to a direct constant ratio pump. This
apparently is because
with the VRO on a large motor with multiple carburetors, if you are idling, or
trolling at the lower ratio fuel mix, so you decide to pick up and run, the
carburetors still has the bowl full of that low ratio mix, the engine will then
be UNDER lubricated until fresh richer fuel is drawn
into the carburetor.
I have kept track of the run time at trolling with this 100-1
ratio with one particular motor over a four year period and can account for 43+
hours of only trolling, with only one a sputter, all it took to clear that up
was to speed the motor up until the spark plug became un-fouled. Then 4
hours later, back
home I changed the plugs before the next run. In 2009, I switched over to using a 75-1 ratio of a
semi-synthetic oil mix with the idea of not
having to worry about changing tanks, but I get the black oily residue as seen in the
photo above, so possibly back to the 100-1 full synthetic ratio for all my
You will see
responses on some of the major outboard motor forums being very adamant to not deviate
from the factory 50-1 ratio. I realize that many of these knowledgeable
persons, (many who may be old line mechanics) who may have seen blown engines in the
past which may have been attributed to poor oiling. However oils have
changed dramatically even in the past 10 years. Others on these forums
expressing their concern may be just repeating what someone else has said.
And you have to consider that anyone who posts on a public forum does not want
to stick their neck out, make a recommendation only to be chastised if the
results turn out negative for whatever reason. That is the way of life
these days where liability's head pokes itself out. That said,
I have done the tests ON MY MOTORS
for a number of years and you have read the results above. I am
happy with what I now use, but if your situation is different, then make your
own decision.
I many times use the boat in bays which are somewhat salt water, initially I used to switch tanks to the 50-1, when I use the muffs to flush out the trolling motor at the end of the day. The thought here is to use the richer gas to leave a better oily film inside the motor when it is stored until next time. I now think that the full synthetic oil is so much better, that I don't bother changing, however when flushing, under these conditions, I do NOT KILL the motor with the kill button, but choke it to kill it. This will tend to also increase the fuel/oil inside the motor if I do let it set for a while because where I live, as I normally do not fog my engines for winter storage.
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stated 04-26-2019, Last Updated 05-11-2022
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