Weatherby MK XXII
Parts List


These illustrations were scanned off from Weatherby factory catalogs, and ARE factory ID and part numbers.  This is important as about all obsolete parts suppliers use
factory or closely associated numbers where ever possible so everyone is on the same page.

We thank Weatherby for supplying the above scanned picture

Weatherby model MK XXII Clip Feed parts listing

The parts listed below are for your identification purposes only. 
The author of this website DOES NOT have any parts.



 Weatherby XXII   1012 Operating Handle
 Weatherby XXII   1018 Firing Pin
 Weatherby XXII   1022 Extractor
 Weatherby XXII   1071 Magazine Release (late style Japanese)

Weatherby MK XX II 22 LR  
dates of manufacture & actual manufacturer

1964 - 1971    Beretta          Mk XXII          Clip                  01000  -       43352 
1967 - 1971    KTG                "      "              "                  J25000  -     J42290   (KTG went out of business)
1972 - 1980    Nikko             "      "              "                  N45000  -     N63056  (one known in a collection at N79,1XX)
1973 - 1980    Nikko             "      "         Tubular             T00003  -     T00506   (others known, private owner at T21415 & another in a collection at  T22,2XX) 
1981 - 1982    Mossberg        "      "            Clip             AC01000  -   AC01670   (Very few actually sold)
1981 - 1982    Mossberg        "      "         Tubular          AT01000  -   AT01640   (Very few actually sold)
1984 - 1988    Howa             "      "            Clip               C10000  -    JC13250 
1984 - 1988    Howa             "      "         Tubular          JT50000  -    JT54874

This information was supplied by Weatherby, however we have recently found out from a collector that there are discrepancies.  If anyone can correct or add to this info, please contact us.




Copyright © 2004 - 2020  LeeRoy Wisner  with credit given for original illustrations.  All Rights Reserved


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Originated 08-17-2006   Last updated 11-08-2020
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