Tokeland Bait & Tackle Shop
Bait, both Fresh & Frozen, Fish Ice, Crab Ring Rentals
Soda, Snacks, Charts, Hats, RV Park Next Door
Free Up to Date Fishing Info
They also have a nice color laminated boat sized chart of the Willapa Bay for a price of $7.50, giving depth contours & GPS locations of the markers
Ice is $2.50 for a LARGE bag
Bob Cordova | Vickie Wilburn |
P. O. Box 592
Tokeland, WA 98590
Sad to announce that Bob passed away this last fall, but his grandson & wife are taking over the business as of August 1, 2014
Stop By and say hello to Marcus & Katie Sellen
The boat launch & marina is now run by the Port of Willapa, which has moorage & lots of gravel/grass parking.